Sunday, November 28, 2004

Fire and Electricity

Tonight I’m typing my entry on Word because stupid isn’t letting me in. I think I overloaded the system with that last enormous entry. At least this way you won’t have to suffer through the horrible spelling mistakes I pepper my writing with. I woke up at 4:30PM today and realized that I had wasted my whole Sunday. There is something to be said for sleeping in, but sleeping in until sunset really is depressing. I am going to have one of the busiest weeks in recent memory this week, so sleeping in today might have been just what the doctor ordered.

Anyways, time for a little more Isaac history. I played football for Roxbury High School. Our rival school Randolph was just down the road. We were raised from little boys to hate them with a passion and even the mention of that town to this day makes me feel a little resentment. It’s like Israel and Palestine without suicide bombers and kids throwing rocks at tanks. My senior year we beat Randolph twice in 6 days and went on to win the state championship. I love bringing that up to people I meet from Randolph, so when I got a job at Home Depot one summer during college and heard that one of my fellow paint desk associates was my age and played for Randolph I had to talk a little shit. Long story short we are now best friends. He had a jeep and I had a jacked up ramcharger so he took me offroading a few times and I was hooked. It’s funny because one drunk night a few years ago I promised him he’d be my best man in my wedding whenever it happens and he still would be my first choice to this day.

So Brad met Erika, Kelly, Christine, and Tim one afternoon and basically, they all hate him. He is very similar to me and I know how he felt that day. Like I’ve said before, around new people that I feel threatened by I tend to go into the tank and not be very social. Brad is the same way, so this afternoon was doomed. The day started with me getting a call from Christine who I dated for a short time in school. She told me that a few people were meeting at a state park to take a walk and catch up. When I heard who was coming I realized I didn’t want to go alone because it was one of the first times I would spend time with Kelly since the breakup. I called Brad and I guess I didn’t word the situation correctly. I said something like, “I need backup, I’m coming to pick you up.” When I got to his house he was basically sawing a baseball bat and getting ready to beat someone’s ass. I didn’t realize he thought we were going to a fight until we were halfway there. So he started out in battle mode and I was nervous about seeing these girls, so it was not looking too good. When we got there they were already in the woods and there was no way we’d be able to find them, so we just put on the radio and tried to see how well my truck would climb on shit all over the parking lot. They came out and we went for icecream. For some reason, everything Brad said was shot down by Erika and Brad also has a strong personality so he was going back at her and all I could do was stand there and do nothing. So to this day, my girls from high school hate my best friend and my best friend hates those girls. I was talking to Brad about this today because it came up in conversation last night at TGIF. I told him Erika has a very strong personality that doesn’t mesh with his strong personality and he summed it up very succinctly: It’s like playing with fire and electricity. I got a kick outta that, so there ya go.

OK, is back up, so for those of you keeping score, that means everything will be spelt incorrectly from here on out. I know there's a spellchecker, but I don't like it.

What I really wanted to talk about this post is honesty. I have a lot of people I care about that I really want to talk about, but it's hard to say things online in a blog that I haven't told them or that I think might make them upset. Now I could just go on saying everything all sweet and nice and make everyone happy or I could be 100% honest and just pretend that this "diary" is stashed between the mattresses. I haven't decided. If I am not honest, then this really isn't worth doing. If I am, it will screw things up with people. I am not about to motherfuck my friends up and down, but being honest about how I feel about people who I am close with might cause an uncomfortable situation if they find their way here. I am going to wait a while before I get to that point. Let my posts build up a bit so maybe I can slip some stuff in without causing a rukus. I had typed about 3 more pages but deleted them because I tried to take that leap into the realm of things that might burn bridges and it just didn't feel right. I didn't say anything wrong, I just said stuff that I want to keep to myself for a while.

I don't know if anyone reads the comments, but I'd like to give a shout out to an old friend with her own website/blog who I ran into this weekend. is the site. Check it out.

I am still trying to figure out how to post pictures, that stupid hello bullshit isn't working whatsoever so I think I'll just try and link so a few pics from last night


Blogger Heather Fink said...

The I need backup confusion is straight out of a sitcom- I am so working that into something I write some day- and I am almost positive I know which Erika you are talking about since you describe her as having a strong personality. As a "schoolmate" she would always "tell it like it is" with a smile. And I have that issue too about what to tell in the blog. I am pretty much no holds barred about myself- but I really have to censor myself when I want to bitch about someone else. Cause I know they could be reading it. I wish I could talk about cute boys I date- but I can't do that either, cause I gotta play it cool around the dudes- ya know? Cause I am googlable. Some people tell me they want to be annonymous in the blog, others want to be a part of the fun.

Thanks for the shout out. My blog's gone through fases since I first started writing. I had started as a way of dealing with harsher times, and it's sort of transformed.

How to do pics:
Well, heres the free way- if it's a pic from the net, right click on it, go to properties, and get the URL of the picture. Then cut and paste it into this HTML tag:
< img src="" >
and you can adjust the size by making the width bigger or smaller, I say 300 is a good size:
< img src="" width="300" >

And to upload your own pics, sign up for an account at and follow the directions. (get the HTML code for automatic pics by going to "create a badge", or find the URL for your flickr pic by right clicking in preview mode.

Got it? Cool.

And how did I learn this kind of crap? I took a course called "the internet and you" at good ol RHS.

11:12 AM  

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