Even more shocking events

This is my boss Joe G hanging out at the office. I have to say that this isn't the norm, but I caught him trying to stretch his back on the floor after he had been putting together a sign and I thought it was funny, so here it is.
Anyways, my store wasn't delivered today. The guy from Palmer Promotional said that he would knock some money off the price of shipping because he messed up everything, but it still doesn't change the fact that I wasted a whole day and now have to build the whole store tomorrow. I talked with the cable internet installers and they said it won't be a big deal if the store isn't there, but the electrician can't come out until there is something to mount the electrical panel to. They are a local company and have been pretty cool, so I hope it won't take more than a few days to set up the install once the store is up.
It's only an hour and a half until my birthday and I feel like I should just run and hide. Brad told me he's stopping by tommorrow and mentioned he had something for me. Him and I were born one week apart, so if he got me something, I have to find him something in the next 7 days. I can't tell you how chick like that statement makes me feel. I have to say, I'm happy that someone remembered, and he told a few of my friends from xbox live that tomorrow was my birthday so I got a few happy birthdays tonight there as well. It was actually kinda cool, but I still feel wierd about the whole thing. I am going to do my best to treat tomorrow like any other day, but as I said before, it's always uncomfortable.
Happy Birthday Isaac!
Thank you! For reading, and for wishing me happiness on the anniversary of the day of my birth.
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