Friday, April 29, 2005

Spy vs Spy

I just finished reading He's just not that into you. I wasn't going to post right away because I have a great day planned for tomorrow and I don't want to be up all night obsessing about this stupid site, but then I read a fine young lady's comment on my last post that said, "it's probably written in girl code." Let me explain something right now. This book is written by a [straight] guy who was a consultant for Sex and the City. It's officially co-written with a woman, but all the real advice to women comes from a man named Greg. It's written in dude language by a dude and gives uncompromising advice to women that is not only clear and concise, but it's the real deal. He's lived through most of these situations from the view of the guy not that into the girl and pulls no punches.

This book is a must read for any guy. Why? Because it gives girls the advice they should have recieved as soon as they realized boys existed. It tells them that they should expect more of dudes than they do, but it never says to be needy. It tells women to stop putting up with players and douche bags and get themselves to a point where they have found a guy that fits the bill. This was a great read for me because it outlined exactly why my prior relationships failed (I just wasn't that into any of them after a while and even though my heart said that I cared, my brain wouldn't let me). It explains to the women why they were better off, but I got the reverse and realized how much better off I was too by reading into my own behaviors. The single best piece of advice he gives is that being in a relationship that's not cutting it not only makes you feel shitty, but it keeps you from being available to the relationship that will make you feel great. He's telling this to the girls, which means a lot of girls should be newly single and ready for a man to actually treat them right, but as a guy, you also realize that if you are subconsciously sending out signals that you just aren't that into the girl you're with that it's time to get out and find someone you really are into.

I consider myself to be passionate and loving. I treat girls right, I'm a nice guy, I have my life on track, and even though I'm not going to take up the life of a male stripper, I don't think I'm a total trainwreck in the looks department. I know there are girls out there that I should meet that are currently in relationships with guys based on things that are not important and thus are off limits. They aren't happy but they won't leave because they make excuses for things that should not be okay. If all these girls that are unhappy or that are not getting what they deserved took a stand and stopped letting themselves get into relationships with guys that don't appreciate them, then we guys that WOULD appreciate them have a chance. That makes everyone happy and slows the progress of the "stupid guy who gets all the girls, treats them like shit, and still get's laid" virus.

I know this book wasn't written for me, but it does make me feel better because the advice given didn't tell girls to do anything that I wouldn't be cool with. It tells them to expect the guy to go out of his way to be with her, to call when he says he will, to treat her right, etc. One thing it never EVER does is try to get a girl to nag or become super needy. It really emphasises what's important without going over the top and becoming a feminist sledgehammer against men. That is definatly because it was written mostly by a man, but with the responses I've been reading from women on eharmony, this book has been changing lives.

Even if it's only a minor advantage, this book has given me a little insight into what the hell girls are thinking.

This is the worst review ever... if this review had a name, it'd be Larry.

I'll try to actually write something that sounds like I have a college degree later, but I have bigger things on my mind. Let's just say I went clothes shopping, my truck is spotless (interior armorall'd), and I actually sent an email to my work email address with the directions...


Blogger Karen said...

I'm not going to take up the life of a male stripper

I've suddenly lost my motivation to read this blog.

[up and leaves]

Have a good time on your, ahem, business meeting Isaac! Hope you "close the deals" you want to tonight! ;)

3:15 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

All right dude, how did your date go? :)

2:12 PM  
Blogger katehopeeden said...

It was cool to read a guy's POV on the book...
I have to ask though if you agree with the man being the initiator all the time?

9:55 AM  

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