I made it
I decided to abuse the priviledge of driving to work today and set my alarm for 7am. I should be out of the house by 7 to be there on time, but I was like, "I can drive... I'm sleeping in, damnit" and I did. I walked into the office at EXACTLY 9am. That is, after I woke up at the exact time I was supposed to leave all dirty and unshaved from a weekend of sloth. I showered, shaved, and ate breakfast before I left and I still got there on time. Lucky? You betcha!
Bill didn't kill me for failing the 66. I thought he was going to actually rise up and smack a bitch for a second because he all of a sudden had the need to start breaking shit on his desk when I told him, but he confined his destruction to a couple of paperclips as he told me, "You will not fuck up again." and dismissed me from his office. I think I got off light. I was actually ready for him to grab me like a strongman grabs a phonebook and tear me in half, but I just got one angry statement and an assignment to put together a presentation for tomorrow morning... which I haven't done yet. I'll get to that first thing.
So I finally get a ton of comments on a post. Is it because of my writing style? Did I make someone feel something through my amazing posts detailing the pain I have in my heart? Was it the humor I bring to the table? Did I offend someone with my trucker-like language and get an angry commenter begging for justice? No. I posted a pic of me as a southpark character. Such is life, right?
Anyways, I just was let in on the fact that Bungie released 4 new maps for Halo 2, so I'm going to go nerd it up with my buddy Brad. See you guys tomorrow.
Bill didn't kill me for failing the 66. I thought he was going to actually rise up and smack a bitch for a second because he all of a sudden had the need to start breaking shit on his desk when I told him, but he confined his destruction to a couple of paperclips as he told me, "You will not fuck up again." and dismissed me from his office. I think I got off light. I was actually ready for him to grab me like a strongman grabs a phonebook and tear me in half, but I just got one angry statement and an assignment to put together a presentation for tomorrow morning... which I haven't done yet. I'll get to that first thing.
So I finally get a ton of comments on a post. Is it because of my writing style? Did I make someone feel something through my amazing posts detailing the pain I have in my heart? Was it the humor I bring to the table? Did I offend someone with my trucker-like language and get an angry commenter begging for justice? No. I posted a pic of me as a southpark character. Such is life, right?
Anyways, I just was let in on the fact that Bungie released 4 new maps for Halo 2, so I'm going to go nerd it up with my buddy Brad. See you guys tomorrow.
Okay, I know exactly what you mean about getting comments on the trivial things. It's really kind of pathetic, but since most of us have been reduced to grovelling and cheap, tawdry tactics to get readership, I'd have to advise you to continue on in that vane by periodically putting something goofy and inane between your really deep meaningful outpourings of emotion!
I AM goofy and inane. I'm honest about that. I just throw in some feeling here and there... for christ's sake I had a whole post to get myself picked up for the word balkakke.
I was just hoping someone, somewhere would be helped by reading what I go through. I guess I'll never really know.
Yeah, my two most-commented posts were the one about bad names and another about places I want to visit because there are cool bloggers there. I think people just liked seeing their names there. :)
I wrote an entire post about my breasts once, and my readership actually went DOWN. How insulting! :)
Okay, I need to ask, what does balkakke mean? Neither dictionary.com or merriam-webster.com have it.
Of course your more personal posts have helped people. Someone commented that she didn't know that men felt that way too - now she knows. Anyone following along will see that you are gradually recovering which is encouraging for anyone in the same situation. (What I really want to know is, how is Mao?)
And finally, Mr. Trucker-Mouth: you come off meaner than you probably are (especially on GAFC). Haven't found you especially offensive, though.
Mao is doing really well. His fins are scarred from the rotting they went through, but he's a happy lil guy now. Frank got a little sick too, but he wasn't anywhere near as bad as Mao. I put them through 2 weeks of intense treatments and they are doing very well.
Bukkake + Balcony = Balkakke. It's a joke from the greatest week of my life (panama city florida, spring break 03) We were calling escort services and asking if they'd send a girl over to sit on a lawn chair under our balcony and... you can figure out the rest. Thank God for speakerphone and alcohol. It was soooo funny.
I never caught that comment. I have been slowly feeling better about myself and have actually started talking to a few ladies over the course of the past few weeks.
What sucks is that I know there are people reading that have never been hurt like I have, but are right on the verge of it. They won't see the train coming, but neither did I. I wouldnt' have believed it if someone told me. I know you can only learn through living it and no ammount of clarity here will help anyone avoid it. I just want people that do go through this pain to realize that they aren't the only ones who were ignorant to the situation before it happened. I felt stupid for not seeing the breakup coming. I felt stupid for thinking I'd spend the rest of my life with her. I felt stupid for being so passionate when she was so distant. I just felt stupid. I hope I can at least show others that need to hear it that everything's going to be OK and that it happens to everyone.
Thanks for commenting. It means a lot to me.
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