Thursday, April 21, 2005

Pope Badass I

I was reading about the pope today at work and realized that I might have to go into the clergy just so I can ascend to papal status and name myself "Badass the first." Then if I did cool stuff and people liked me there would be future popes named "Badass XXVI" etc. I dont' know why this makes me cry laughing, but I think it would be fun to have the pontif pick a new name that simply rocks.

The market was crazy today. The Dow was up 2% before the close and just about all my favorite stocks saw huge gains. UPS (+3), Google (+20), Catapillar (+5), Budweiser (+3), Cummins (+6), and the list goes on. You woudnt' believe how different the mood around the office is when the market is rocking like it was today as opposed to when it was in the shitter on friday. It's a cool place to be when things are good... I'll leave it at that.

Tomorrow is my series 66 exam. I was supposed to take 8 practice exams... I took 1... over 2 days. I am so burnt from the 7. I hope the 88% I got on Final #1 is indicative of what I'll get tomorrow. Even if it means a perfect 71% I don't care. I just want to pass so I don't have to explain myself.

I talked to Jimmy at Dodge today. The transmission #3 is in the truck. He drove it home last night and back to work today and it ran fine. He's going to log 150 miles on The Red Dragon before he brings it back to me, but if nothing bad happens, I'll have it tomorrow. I felt like giggling when he told me, but I also know what happens when I get too excited... straight disapointment.

eharmony rocks, btw. I am very satisfied with the results thus far. Once I'm deeper into this whole thing I'll write a formal review, but it's been up to expectations up to now.

I'm going to blow off some steam by shooting 12 year olds on xbox live. What a cool guy I am.

good talk, see you out there


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much like Pope Benedict XVI will have an email address and use the internet, Pope Badass I will use the internet to kill people.

The true question is whether or not his holiness will use the pope mobile to go on a deadly hit and run rampage through the streets of San Andreas.

Mr. V.P.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

I nominate some runner-up names for your future Popedom.

I personally like "Pope Iram Butt the I".

Completely off topic - is it me or is there a disproportionate number of investment bankers who blog? Is it a banker thing?

10:32 PM  
Blogger NJX70 said...

Yeah, we Financial consulatants and investment bankers are talkers. All I do (once I'm in my job for real) is talk to people on the phone all day. I guess having a job that requires a lot of communication translates into blogging. Who knows.

10:57 PM  

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