Monday, April 18, 2005

Double post day!

I figured I'd just make two posts out of this day because saturday night needed one of it's own. So this is my dilemma. I am growing my hair out for the first time since I was 12 and I feel like a fool. It's growing in fine, but I dont' know what the hell to do with it in the meantime. It poofs too much to leave it alone, combing it back makes me look silly because it's not really long enough yet, brushing it forward with gel has been working, but the sides of my hair are getting too long and I have to flatten the puffiness so my head doesn't look like the deck of an aircraft carrier. I'm going to be strong and keep growing it out, but I've been talking to some people I haven't seen forever and I don't really know if I want to see them like this. I need to find myself a new flex fit hat, but I still dont' have my damn truck, so it's work and home... work and home... work and home for me. I dont' think I'm going to get it back before I have to go out to St. Louis. Hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get home on the 7th.

I finally got some answers from my Uncle Russ. I've been harassing the fuck out of the guy in charge of Dodge to get answers, but he's been vague for whatever reason. If he told me what Uncle Russ told my mother, I would have been satisfied enough to not flip the fuck out 3 times daily. Uncle Russ told my mother that new transmissions have rough edges inside when they are new. They have a tendency to break off little bits of metal that have to be flushed out or they bust up the insides. Ford has a policy that they have to replace the filters and radiator to insure that the metal bits are cleared away properly, but chrystler does not. That doesn't mean they wont' do it, it just means that they will do everything in their power to get away with not replacing everything because it's not on Chrystler's budget. If Jimmy had told me the truth about what was going on instead of dropping blinker fluid answers on me I would have been ok with it staying until the problem was fixed. Uncle Russ also said that he doesnt' want it coming back until they've put 100 miles on the new trans. He said the last time the metal bits were so bad that they had to tow the truck back to the shop. It wasn't bullshit, but Jimmy didn't tell me the truth, so I was calling up freaking out thinking they were just fucking with me only to find out they're doing a decent job. Now it's looking like Thursday is the absolute earliest it could be back. I am going to call Jimmy out on all this tomorrow, but that should be the last time I talk to him for a while.

Again, I've been introduced to some amazing music by my friends. Drufus got me into a band called Bender. Their song Isolated is amazing. I've listened to it so many times and it keeps getting better. Then my buddy Scoob (Ryan) from England hooked me up with some 1337 ass toons that rox0rz. The band is called The Loud Capsule Markets. They are a japanese rock band that sing in english. They have a real cool sound that is very differnet than what you'd expect. The reason I say they are LEET like whoa is because their album is called, "CiSTM K0nFLiqt." Replacing letters with numbers and using strange caps is so L33T! Scoob tried to deny their l33tness, but he got served. [editors note: replacing letters with numbers or using silly caps sucks ass, you nerds!]

So that's it. Post 2. Double your pleasure, double your fun!


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