What is and what will never be

Today could have been one of the best days of my life, or a clarification of who I really am. The jury is still out. One thing is for certain. I am now a full fledged registered representative that can solicit trades anywhere I please. AKA I passed the 66 with a 75. Now I have to get myself through AAMS, go to St.Louis again, and eventually get my heath insurance liscence.
So here's how my day went. My alarm goes off at 6AM. I get up, get dressed, have some coffee, and roll out to sommerset. I totally forgot that I'm an hour closer now than I was at my parent's house and ended up getting to the testing center nice and early. I met up with JoeG2 and we chatted about eCommerce for a while before we finally went in and took our test. From the moment I left until we walked into the building it was cold, grey, dark, and shitty out. I was wearing my hoodie and it was a great choice. It was too cold for me to be bebopping around in a Tshirt, and as you all know, I am Mr.Freeze. So I kick in the door and yell out, "ladies ladies ladies..." and the woman that has seen me in full affect 3 times now doesn't even look up, "hi, NJX70." I pick out a locker and take off my sweatshirt, remove the contents of my pockets, and get out my drivers liscence. I was wearing my FU Football "attitude" shirt with my number on the back. JoeG2 immediately asked "Is that the score you're shooting for on the back of your shirt?" "No, I just want a 71." I get scanned in, sign my name (with a lil heart just to be a chucklehead) and go in. I blew through the first 20 questions in under 10 minutes. At that point I was sure I was going to get a 100 on the test. Then the hard questions came and in force. I just kept blasting through them and marking anything I was unsure of as "review" so I could go back after I was done. I was full of coffee and Xenadrine, so I REALLY had to use the lil boys' room, but I didn't take a break until i was done when I took the 7, so I stayed strong until I had completed the 66. I ran out, used the john, and came back. I had about 80 minutes of the 180 left and only about 40 questions to review. I flew through them a second time and realized that I hadn't spent more than a minute or two looking at any question and really wasn't any more sure of those 40 questions after reviewing them. I decided it wasn't worth having a heart attack about and just hit end. I got a 75.
I bolted out of the place and realized I don't have JoeG2's cell number, so I hung out a minute to see if he was done. He wasn't coming out, so I decided to look over his shoulder and see where he was at through the bubble window. He wasn't even done with the test yet. I left and started making my victory calls. Nobody answered. It was then that I realized it was beautiful out. The sun was shining, the clouds were white and puffy, and the breeze was strong and cool. I rolled down the windows in my truck, set the XM radio, and set off to see my mother at work. No school today, so I got served. I decided that would be a good time to get some groceries since I was in my old hometown. I blasted through the shoprite in about 30 minutes and got EVERYTHING I'm going to need for at least the next week and only spent 80 bucks. I went back to my apartment, and managed to bring all my food up in one trip. My left hand had so much shit in it that I could barely bend my elboe, but somehow I got it all up in one trip. I unloaded everything, made an awesome lunch, and sat at my computer. It wasn't 5 minutes and I got a call. "you want to get dinner tonight?" "Yes." I went from being scared about a test on a shitty day to passing, a beautiful day, and a beautiful girl calling me out of the blue to hang out. We had dinner in motown and just sat for hours talking. I know she's a friend. That's what it is. She's an intriguing mystery. All of that aside, I had a WONDERFUL time with a special girl. I'm better off taking for granted that it never will be (or am I?), but a man can dream, can't he?
Anyways, I'm fired up. I don't want to let this day go, but how else will I get to tomorrow?
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