WPE/lifting cars/rest of my life
Larry is the Worst Person Ever (WPE). WPE graduated. WPE threw a party. Thus, it was the Worst Graduation Party Ever. Nothing like a few beers with some old friends. I'm telling you, it's always great to hang out with these guys because no matter what everyone's doing, when we get together, it's always the same.

Just about all my friends have motorcycles now, so I have to speed up my search. The plan right now is to upgrade the exhaust on the truck, save up enough money to lift the truck and buy 5 new tires and 5 new wheels, and then buy a bike. I have been thinking about this forever because there are 3 major toys I need to get in order: Ramcharger, Bike, Pickup. My ramcharger is something I want to do right and take my time. It needs a lot of work and I'm willing to do it, but I really want to save up at least 10 grand before I even pick up a wrench because it needs some major components before it will get anywhere. The bike would be awesome to get done, but that's going to be another 5 grand MINIMUM. Also, I don't have my liscence, so I'd have to try and squeeze myself into a rider's saftey course (which is near impossible in the summer). My ram needs a new exhaust from headers back, a lift, and 5 new tires. The exhaust is my #1 concern right now. It needs to be replaced ASAP because my truck sounds like a toy with the new stock muffler that was put on (against my direct request). I was thinking about headers, but I'm not too picky about them. So project 1 is headers, dual glasspacks, dual stainless steel exhaust pipes. That will probably run me a little over a grand. My pickup is also going to need tires in about 10,000 miles, so I'm going to have to start saving for a lift. There is no way in hell I'm paying another $800 in tires without them being just right. It needs at least 35s (maybe 38.5s) to make it look real sharp. To get them under the truck, it's going to need a lift kit. All in all, that project should run about 3 grand including all parts and labor.
For those of you keeping score at home:
1.Pickup exhaust
2.Pickup lifted/new tires
It only makes sense to do it this way. I drive my pickup every single day, so I should be proud of it ASAP. The bike would be used just as much, so that's next, and the ramcharger is a weekend trail thrasher, so that's last.
Back to reality
Today I helped AJ lift his hotrod out of the back of a pickup and cary it into the garage. Yes, I did pick up a car today and carry it into the garage. It's a early 30s Chrystler and all he has is the body and frame, so it wasn't hard with a couple of dudes. It was awesome to just stand next to it and realize what it's going to be. It's rusted and riddled with bullet holes, but damn it, it's beautiful. I can see it hauling ass down the highway on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I can feel what it must be like to be driving something you built with your own two hands and see the looks on people's faces as you drive by. I can't wait to do this shit myself. Every time I talk to AJ I want to just drop everything and start working on the ramcharger. Unfortunately I don't have as convenient a situation as he does (or half of the knowledge/experience he does) so it's going to be much harder for me, but I'll do it. The feeling of amazing potential while standing next to the rusty shell of an extinct car was overwhelming. Trucks and hotrods are how I want to spend all my free time. God help me if I make enough money to start sinking it into my trucks. I'll be spending every night under the hood of my truck until that bitch is 100%. grrrr!!!!!!1
Final thing I need to get across is that it's 12AM and I'm so jittery that I can't even type let alone go to sleep. Why? Because once I wake up I am no longer a trainee. I'm no longer practicing my routine over the big comfy saftey net of a regular paycheck. This is the first game after football camp where all the practice and potential have to meet, but it never feels right. I know it's going to be awkward for a while. I can tell exactly where I am mentally because it feels like the day before our first game of the season. Especially since I spent two weeks out in St.Louis and am expected to hit the ground running tomorrow. I just feel all knotted up because I don't feel right. First of all, I don't know if I have a clean shirt to wear tomorrow (cleaners are closed at 1 on saturday and all day sunday). I am not even sure where the cleaners are but I should drop my shirts off tomorrow morning BEFORE I go in... but I won't. I'll do it after work when I have time to just wander around motown in my truck and see if I can find the place. Secondly, this is an exciting time, but it's going to be a huge challenge. I know my shit and I know I'll do well for my clients, but I have to bring in clients before anything else. For the next 3 years I'll be in a mad dash for new clients. I will be cold calling every free moment until I simply can't handle the influx of referrals. If that day never comes, if I never bring in more referrals than I can handle, then I'll keep cold calling until I retire. I don't give a shit. I'm fo real fo real. I just want to get that first account opened and get all the nervousness out. This is all so new to me. I have an in depth knowledge of the securities industry, the products we offer, the service we are to provide, but it's the simple "who do I give this form to?" kind of stuff that's going to rattle me until I've done it a few times.
Oh, and BTW, this is the first time I've ever known what somebody does all day at work when they have an office job. I have been asking that question since I can remember, "What job does your dad have?" "he works in an office in new york" "really? What does he do?" "he's a manager" "yeah, so what does he do?" I've been asking people this question my whole life and this is the first time where I know the answer. I would look around the office while I was getting a cup of coffee or using the lil boys' room and I never had any clue what everyone did all day. I mean you can see they're on the phone or their with a client or whatnot, but the details... never had any idea. I can spell you out by hour what I'm going to be doing tomorrow. I won't, but I could, and it feels great. I can't say how I'll feel doing that stuff, but according to the list of things I have to get done I should have no problem keeping myself busy. This time next week I should know how I feel about my hours. I could be going in for 3 hours a day with a 1 hour lunch, but I wouldn't last long. I could stay for 16 hours a day, 6 days a week, but I wouldn't last long that way either. There are just a ton of lil questions about lil things that are causing a ton of lil problems that I simply can't answer until kickoff.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. <---- That is such a cornball line, but it's never been so true. I'm in the job of my dreams, typing away on my high speed internet connection, in my own apartment, single, and in the middle of the morristown party scene. If things go as well as I dream they will I'll be a happy lil guy pretty damn quick.

Just about all my friends have motorcycles now, so I have to speed up my search. The plan right now is to upgrade the exhaust on the truck, save up enough money to lift the truck and buy 5 new tires and 5 new wheels, and then buy a bike. I have been thinking about this forever because there are 3 major toys I need to get in order: Ramcharger, Bike, Pickup. My ramcharger is something I want to do right and take my time. It needs a lot of work and I'm willing to do it, but I really want to save up at least 10 grand before I even pick up a wrench because it needs some major components before it will get anywhere. The bike would be awesome to get done, but that's going to be another 5 grand MINIMUM. Also, I don't have my liscence, so I'd have to try and squeeze myself into a rider's saftey course (which is near impossible in the summer). My ram needs a new exhaust from headers back, a lift, and 5 new tires. The exhaust is my #1 concern right now. It needs to be replaced ASAP because my truck sounds like a toy with the new stock muffler that was put on (against my direct request). I was thinking about headers, but I'm not too picky about them. So project 1 is headers, dual glasspacks, dual stainless steel exhaust pipes. That will probably run me a little over a grand. My pickup is also going to need tires in about 10,000 miles, so I'm going to have to start saving for a lift. There is no way in hell I'm paying another $800 in tires without them being just right. It needs at least 35s (maybe 38.5s) to make it look real sharp. To get them under the truck, it's going to need a lift kit. All in all, that project should run about 3 grand including all parts and labor.
For those of you keeping score at home:
1.Pickup exhaust
2.Pickup lifted/new tires
It only makes sense to do it this way. I drive my pickup every single day, so I should be proud of it ASAP. The bike would be used just as much, so that's next, and the ramcharger is a weekend trail thrasher, so that's last.
Back to reality
Today I helped AJ lift his hotrod out of the back of a pickup and cary it into the garage. Yes, I did pick up a car today and carry it into the garage. It's a early 30s Chrystler and all he has is the body and frame, so it wasn't hard with a couple of dudes. It was awesome to just stand next to it and realize what it's going to be. It's rusted and riddled with bullet holes, but damn it, it's beautiful. I can see it hauling ass down the highway on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I can feel what it must be like to be driving something you built with your own two hands and see the looks on people's faces as you drive by. I can't wait to do this shit myself. Every time I talk to AJ I want to just drop everything and start working on the ramcharger. Unfortunately I don't have as convenient a situation as he does (or half of the knowledge/experience he does) so it's going to be much harder for me, but I'll do it. The feeling of amazing potential while standing next to the rusty shell of an extinct car was overwhelming. Trucks and hotrods are how I want to spend all my free time. God help me if I make enough money to start sinking it into my trucks. I'll be spending every night under the hood of my truck until that bitch is 100%. grrrr!!!!!!1
Final thing I need to get across is that it's 12AM and I'm so jittery that I can't even type let alone go to sleep. Why? Because once I wake up I am no longer a trainee. I'm no longer practicing my routine over the big comfy saftey net of a regular paycheck. This is the first game after football camp where all the practice and potential have to meet, but it never feels right. I know it's going to be awkward for a while. I can tell exactly where I am mentally because it feels like the day before our first game of the season. Especially since I spent two weeks out in St.Louis and am expected to hit the ground running tomorrow. I just feel all knotted up because I don't feel right. First of all, I don't know if I have a clean shirt to wear tomorrow (cleaners are closed at 1 on saturday and all day sunday). I am not even sure where the cleaners are but I should drop my shirts off tomorrow morning BEFORE I go in... but I won't. I'll do it after work when I have time to just wander around motown in my truck and see if I can find the place. Secondly, this is an exciting time, but it's going to be a huge challenge. I know my shit and I know I'll do well for my clients, but I have to bring in clients before anything else. For the next 3 years I'll be in a mad dash for new clients. I will be cold calling every free moment until I simply can't handle the influx of referrals. If that day never comes, if I never bring in more referrals than I can handle, then I'll keep cold calling until I retire. I don't give a shit. I'm fo real fo real. I just want to get that first account opened and get all the nervousness out. This is all so new to me. I have an in depth knowledge of the securities industry, the products we offer, the service we are to provide, but it's the simple "who do I give this form to?" kind of stuff that's going to rattle me until I've done it a few times.
Oh, and BTW, this is the first time I've ever known what somebody does all day at work when they have an office job. I have been asking that question since I can remember, "What job does your dad have?" "he works in an office in new york" "really? What does he do?" "he's a manager" "yeah, so what does he do?" I've been asking people this question my whole life and this is the first time where I know the answer. I would look around the office while I was getting a cup of coffee or using the lil boys' room and I never had any clue what everyone did all day. I mean you can see they're on the phone or their with a client or whatnot, but the details... never had any idea. I can spell you out by hour what I'm going to be doing tomorrow. I won't, but I could, and it feels great. I can't say how I'll feel doing that stuff, but according to the list of things I have to get done I should have no problem keeping myself busy. This time next week I should know how I feel about my hours. I could be going in for 3 hours a day with a 1 hour lunch, but I wouldn't last long. I could stay for 16 hours a day, 6 days a week, but I wouldn't last long that way either. There are just a ton of lil questions about lil things that are causing a ton of lil problems that I simply can't answer until kickoff.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. <---- That is such a cornball line, but it's never been so true. I'm in the job of my dreams, typing away on my high speed internet connection, in my own apartment, single, and in the middle of the morristown party scene. If things go as well as I dream they will I'll be a happy lil guy pretty damn quick.
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