Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rough Week

OK, it's only a rough .5 week, but it sucks none the less. I am experiencing reality on a great scale and it sucks. Gone are the days where I could wake up on a saturday and drive to VT to spend the night at a friend's place. That costs 140 bucks in gas minimum. Gone are the days where whatever I made was mine to keep besides the little bills here and there. Now I have rent, utilities, laundry, phone, internet, cable, dry cleaning (I hate this one a lot), gym, ezpass, Men's Wearhouse, Cell, furnature payments, and a ton of other minor bullshit charges that eek up on me. I seriously am in a pinch. I'm cancelling everything I don't use every single day. I don't know how this is going to work, but I have to start opening accounts NOW. I need to get people in the door, I have to set appointments, I have to get things done or I'm going to be up shit's creek. Speaking of, I have to go pay overdrafts fees on an account I thought I closed months ago because ezpass tried to pull money out of it. Oh boy!

Oh, and I'm sick. I don't know how you catch a cold in July, but I have one. I am starting to feel fluid building up behind my left ear too. That's all I need, a fucking ear infection. I guess it's time to figure out what doctors I can go to with my amazing benefits package. It's been a long long week thus far, and it's going to be a long long year if clients don't start lining up.


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