Awesome Dan is Married

This is Awesome Dan and Tom. They decided that a good visual description of their friendship would be sweetener and bread. Why? Who knows.
So Awesome Dan is married. That still doesn't sound right. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't seem like this is really happening. The dude I know from as far back as my non damaged brain cells can remember is now .5 of Mr. and Mrs. Awesome Dan. I'm proud of him for how awesome a day it was yesterday. It was really a special wedding. They could have been the happiest most confident couple I've ever seen. There wasn't one moment where either one of them even looked like they were deep in tought. It was all proud smiles.
The reception was by far the best time I've had in a long long time. Of course, Awesome Dan was pulled in a lot of directions, but it was great to be there for him. I spent a lot of time talking with his older family members and friends, including the parents of one of Angela's friends, Uncle Joe, Grandad, Grandma Murray, etc. Got some good networking in, but it was just cool to be with a family that is so happy. Not one ounce of bad anything in that room. Unbelieveable.
Only thing I would have changed is I wouldn't have given the fucking bartender/bottle opener a $5 tip when I didn't have a $1 on me. He didn't deserve it.
The only thing that was really wierd was the feelings I had when Dan was actually at the ceremony. I was so happy and proud for Dan and his family, but it's hard to live through something like a wedding without viewing the situation through lenses colored by your own experiences. I wanted that to be me not too long ago. After getting so close to that stage in my life it's hard to sit there and watch your lifelong friend do it and realize you're single. It wasn't a huge deal at all, but there was a split second when Dan was looking down the aisle at his bride and was smiling so hard I thought he was going to hurt himself that I really felt shitty. It was seriously a 5 second thing, but I thought I'd mention it because you guys are my therapy.
I have a lot more to say about this weekend, but I'm hungry, so I'm firing up the fo grill and tossing on some steak. Goodbye
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