Thursday, July 07, 2005


The title of this post is the number of dials/number of contacts/number of qualified prospects from today. I got my ass kicked in by the town of wharton. I spent most of the day calling people and getting smashed. I didn't put one person into broker vision, not one highlighted name, not one referral source, nothing. I did have 1 good conversation with a man I had spoken with out in st.louis, but 1 conversation out of 80 is a rough ratio to handle.

I finished my laundry around 1:45AM and ended up rolling into work an hour late. I spent all last night arguing with cablevision, sprint pcs, wachovia, and various other losers. I'm trying to adjust my expenses to be more inline with what I actually need, and it takes a ton of time to get it all figured out. Is it because it's complicated stuff? No. Is it because I'm not sure what I want and need to be coached through the decision making process? No. Is it because there aren't enough customer service agents to handle all the needs of their clients? No. Then why is it? Because the dumbasses that man the phones at these places don't know their asses from holes in the ground. They stink on ice. I had a 45 minute conversation with cablevision that went a little like this:

me: Hi, I tried to log onto to set up my online billing and there was an error that said I had to call customer service.
Miss Jones: OK, put in your account number in the box.
me: OK... error, call customer service
Miss Jones: OK, please hold.
[5 minutes later]
Miss Jones: Allright, put in your account number WITH the dashes
Me: incorrect format.
Miss Jones: Log out and back in without the dashes
Me: Call customer service
Miss Jones: Please hold.
[5 minutes later]
Miss Jones: Allright, put in your account number WITH the dashes
Me: incorrect format.
Miss Jones: Log out and back in without the dashes
Me: Call customer service
Miss Jones: Please hold.
[5 minutes later]
Miss Jones: Allright, put in your account number WITH the dashes
Me: incorrect format.
Miss Jones: Log out and back in without the dashes
Me: Call customer service
Miss Jones: Please hold.
[5 minutes later]
Miss Jones: Allright, put in your account number WITH the dashes
Me: incorrect format.
Miss Jones: Log out and back in without the dashes
Me: Call customer service
Miss Jones: Please hold.
[5 minutes later]
Miss Jones: Someone's going to have to call you back. Are you satisfied with the level of service?
Me: hahahahaahahaha lolz!!!!!!!!111111 No. [click]

Nobody ever called me back. If they don't want to take my money then I won't give it to them.

Sprint PCS went like this:

Me: I'm going to make this very simple for you, pal. I was a 3rd party dealer up until february and have a deep understanding of how this all works. I'm going to change my plan and yes, I understand I'll have a new 2 year agreement. Now here's what I want EXACTLY. I want to lower my base plan to the $35 fair and flexible plan and I want to remove vision with ready link and add vision picture pack. I want every other option to stay the same. This includes 7pm night and weekends, insurance, etc etc etc. Just change those two things and let me know when it's done.
Dude: OK, so what do you want to do?
Me: ... base plan to $35 Fair and Flexible, ready link gone, everything else the same. If you want, I could just give you my CID# and do it myself, but I didn't think that would be right.
[30 minutes of confusion later]
Dude: OK, you're all set, did you know that you can add a line and get a free phone with mail in rebate?
Me: Did you know that you can't add a line to the $35 Fair and Flexible and that the free phone is garbage? Did you also know that the lowest family share plan is the $70 fair and flexible for families? Did you not realize I was calling to reduce my bill? I am a single guy, live on my own, have no need for another line and if I wanted one I'd go to my boys where I used to work.
Dude: but you get a free phone...
Me: Listen, son. You don't even know what you're talking about and you're trying to sell me a phone. Just change my shit and hang up. I'm not putting up with this for another second.
Dude: ... but you...
Me: Change it now, hang up phone.
Dude: ... ok, sir, what plan did you want again?
Me: I am not repeating myself again, and if it's fucked up I'll have your job. [click]

Then on to Wachovia where the only method of payment they'll accept to close out my account that was overdrafted 6 times by their ridiculous fees and bullshit when I didn't even realize it was still open is a money order. That took 30 minutes to almost clear up.

So, here I am. Tired as fuck off a shitty day at work but a great afternoon with Tony. He came over for some pizza and conversation. He's a great kid and needs to spend more time over here. I enjoyed answering his questions because he has a ton of teenager questions that nobody else will answer. I know he's very difficult to handle at times, but in small doses, in quiet and relaxed situations, he is very enjoyable to have around. It's amazing how the human brain works. He is special ed and goes to a special school, but at 19 years old what is he into? Booze, drugs, girls. What is it about those three sins that makes all of us young men lean in and listen closely? He still talks about a sip of coors light he had one day and understands how bad drugs are, but he wanted to know everything I knew about them all. He may not understand things the way I did at 19, but he has the same curiosities I did. I find it amazing. As he's getting older, the conversations are getting longer and more involved. Where he used to just shoot out a question and move on to some other topic he now can move freely from one question to another within one topic of interest. He even moved on from one thing to another smoothly. That sounds silly, but for someone that would get stuck on one topic for hours, being able to have a real intelligent conversation with someone that spanned a wide variety of topics and experiences without being repetitive or boring is a huge step up. He may never drive a car or go to college, but that kid's going to be allright.

I have plans for tomorrow night, but seeing as it's almost 1am and I'm not in bed I don't know how that's going to work out. Thursday nights are big nights at work. Hopefully I'll survive.

as before... pray for mojo


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