Thursday, December 15, 2005

CPAP and Christmas Parties

I got my CPAP mask on Tuesday... and it's a spy. It has memory, and tells my doctor when I went to sleep and when I got up every single night. If I don't use it, it lets him know. If I take it off my face and leave the power on, he knows. If I don't fit it on my face properly, he knows exactly how much air was leaking by percentage and how much pressure I was receiving. It's one of the more impressive pieces of technology I've seen in a while.

Here's the big question: "DOES IT WORK?" I don't know yet. I am drinking less coffee and I feel more alert, but it's still real hard to wake up. I've been going to bed too late (which my doctor will know) and I'm not used to having it on my face when I sleep yet, so that's playing a role in the whole thing. I woke up to use the bathroom for the first time in years last night. I have to hit a release on the tube's connector to get it to release the mask from the tube so I don't have to take it off, and I felt like I was getting out of a fighter jet. The other big problem I'm having is I like to roll over on my side after I've dozed off a bit, and if I drag my cheek on the pillow it pulls the mask to the side a bit and blows air in my face. These are all things I can deal with. I think it's working, but we'll see after a while.

I went to the christmas party tonight too. I said I wasn't going. I wasn't going to go, but I felt like I had to. I reall need people to back me up if I want to stay, so I figured if for nothing else, I'd go for political reasons. My boss got tanked, I drank a few free drinks, it was a good night. No real story to be told, so I'll save you're time.


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