Sunday, May 21, 2006

No Idea what to call this post

A few things have happened since my last real post. A great friend of mine got ahold of me and said a few brief lines of text that have changed me:

I read your blog. I don't want to come off wrong, but get out of sales. Just get out of sales.

It was obvious to everyone but me. He continued:

You're a sensative guy and I know your pride isn't going to let you quit, but just find something else.

He's right. Thank you Hot Carl.

So, I've decided to give up on sales. I don't want to deal with it anymore. I've decided that I want to get back into teaching and coaching, but there's a problem... I'm not certified to teach. There is a summer program which is a few months going full time that gives you a legit teaching certificate... but they require a 2.75 undergrad GPA and I have a 2.7. So I can't do that either. I can get in alternate route if I can find a school that will take me because I graduated before the GPA was moved from 2.5 to 2.75, but it's almost impossible to find that kind of setup. I could teach at a charter or private school, but they pay around 20k a year which wouldn't cover the bills (AND I'd have to find a school that would take me.... AND a school that would 'sponsor' me through alternate route). I could go back to school and get my masters... but I'm broke. I could go back to school for a post baccalauriate (no idea how to spell it) degree, but there are only a few schools that have it, it's a 1.5 year program, and I'm broke.

So those are my options to teach. I'm trying, but I just don't care about anything anymore. It's going to be so hard and I don't know if I have the guts to get it done anymore.

So, I've signed up for bartending school. I've picked a firm that guarantees placement in your area, and that's what I'm going to do. Tend bar. I told you I've given up... well there it is. I should use my fucking Fairfield University diploma to catch the overflow from the beer taps.

And to those of you keeping score at home, like I said shortly before, the best friend I've ever had is moving to California. The one person I've always counted on for everything from helping me move, to a place to talk when I was down, to kicking around a junk yard in the 100 degree heat, to getting lost in the woods with, to doing stupid shit like trying to teach ourselves to weld, to everything that I could ever imagine out of a friend is gone. When I was with my ex and I was sure she was going to be forever, him and I were drinking in my living room and I told him "If her and I are still together a year from now I'm going to ask her to marry me. The reason I'm telling you this is because I want you to be my best man."

Now I don't have the girl or the best friend. I truely am alone.

I don't know if you read this, man... but I'm going to miss you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro, I'm in sales too and it sucks balls. But getting out sales to do bartending would suck even more. Dealing with sloppy drunks all night ain't gonna be fun. Keep your chin up dood.

6:30 PM  

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