Friday, May 12, 2006

Little Wins

Sometimes, it's the little things that nobody has any control over that make me feel wondeful. Tonight, it's the rain. It's pouring like the end of the world right now and it sounds so beautiful. The smells of spring time are back. The air is thick, cold, and pure. I've said it a million times, but the world feels so much smaller and comfy when it's raining. It's something nice to think about, listen to, and experience that focuses our conscious on the things in our own little world instead of worrying about the big picture.

There are only two things that absolutely melt me to the core... heavy rain, and warm summer twilights.

I wouldn't give up the sounds and smells of tonight for anything in the world.

Thank you for the rain.

I know so few people who love the rain like I do. When I've had a hard day/week/month it's hard not to think for a second the rain is just for me.


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