Power moves

The Old Boys logo. There ya go Drufus
OK, making power moves. I went to a job fair on tuesday and spoke with some great companies and have allready got calls to come in for final interviews. I set up interviews with AG Edwards, Morgan Stanley, NE securities, Sprint PCS (corporate), Enterprise, Hertz, NJ Pets (I love fish), Nationwide, and a bunch of others. All of these jobs (besides NJ Pets... but who knows) would be a career. I was talking with drufus on the way home from the fair and the only thing I could think about is what it must be like to have a successful career. I have no clue what that even means. The job I really really really want is the Morgan Stanley one. The dude from there told me to clear my schedule for monday because he'd need 3 hours. I haven't heard back from him about the exact time, and he might have just been blowing smoke, but if I get that job, I'll be happy I went to college. AG Edwards is choice two. Same industry, similar pay, Fortune 100 company. That guy was real cool and told me he'd be back in touch with me soon. Then following those are everything else. I even spoke to real estate agents. One way or the other, by this spring I'll be in a better job.
My online life is leveling out again. The people who pissed me off have appologized and did exactly what I thought they did. They left and started another team because they were afraid of screwing up the TOB record. Understandable, we have been very serious in the past. We talked about it a lot since I posted and things are cool.
The other areas of my life are not worse, which is good. I don't know, but I think I stopped the bleeding for a little while. Now I just have to make these power moves I'm set up to do and everything else should drop into place.
OK, I'm going to the mall. I have been totally neglecting the store since friday, so I think I should go in and neglect it some more. We had a phone stolen a week ago and it showed up at an agent of mine's store. He checked the ESN and it matched, but he didn't want to put himself in a dangerous situation so he waited until the guy left to call the cops, watched him walk to his house, and the cops got there late, and couldn't do anything. I thanked him very much for trying, but I don't want to see him get hurt over Joe's money. I sure wouldn't get in the line of fire for a stupid phone.
I will get back to posting more soon. When I get overwhelmed with what's going on I go into lockdown mode and just need to decompress. That is what I've been doing more than anything else recently.
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