Not all my days suck no matter what I say

This is where the Asians work that gave me SARS
Today doesn't suck. Well, if you count from midnight "this morning" to 5 AM when I layed in bed wide awake (and no I didn't eat any pills yesterday, so it wasnt' from that) then today kinda sucks, but from when I woke up at 11 until now, today's been OK. I am sick still. Today it's actually worse. I think the Asian women from Nail Trix across the hall gave me SARS. I feel like the native americans when they were given small pox blankets. I think it's an Asian Invasion!!! They are out to take over the JC Penney wing of the Stroud Mall! Grrrrr. I'll fix their little red rickshaw.
I haven't eaten right since I got sick. I am just sniffing so much that it makes my stomach hurt and I don't feel like eating. I think I'll close the store early and get something to eat at the food court soon. Tonight the mall is so dead that I bet I could leave a 20 on the counter and nobody would take it. That has nothing to do with the moral fabric of eastern PA, it's just that there's nobody here! Nothing at all. I parked right in front of the mall at 2 and I had my choice of any of 30 spots in the first row. I thought something had happened and the mall was closed.
So today is not so bad. Things haven't changed from my last post and I still have a lot to do to fix that part of my life, but I'm taking advantage of the lack of customers and just relaxing today. I'm not worried about sales anymore. I'm just going to let it happen. Whatever it is. I don't see this store fitting into my life for much longer so I'm not going to waste time worrying.
Well, I feel like crap and I probably should eat something since it's 8 PM and all I"ve had to eat was 2 glasses of water so far today. This is not how an O Lineman keeps at fighting weight.
My dad just called and said my mom's cold she just got over came back. I didn't know she had a cold before. I guess I should take it easy on the Chinamen. I bet I got my cold/SARS from my mother. Oh well, now I can't sit still. I'm gone. I'm going home and hopefully getting some sleep.
As long as you don;t have ZARS----that would suck big time........send me some of those spring break 1904 pics when you get the chance....
That view is just 2 picturesque. Damn son do you work in Bali?
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