Mmmmm... Pills

Ah, Zantrex. I looooove eating pills.
I take these stupid pills because they make me feel really good durning the day. They are for weight loss and energy. I don't want to lose a pound, but I have very bad sleep apnea and have not had an average night's sleep in 15 years. I can sleep for 20 hours and not even be close to being rested. As soon as I get signed up for benefits I'm having it taken care of, but until then, sleep apnea pwns me. So I eat pills. I might as well be blowing lines with MARK MARK MARK! I think these little blue pills are the best on the market, but I still can't figure out why taking 2 in the morning one day makes me feel like a million bucks, and why taking 2 the next morning makes my face flushed and my head spin all day to the point where I can't focus on sales, sit still, talk to people effectively, stop myself from being distracted, etc. Today is one of those days. I can feel the blood pulsating in my face and I can't sit still. All I need now is to start grinding my teeth and sniffing.
Even though there are days like today when I feel like my face is going to explode, pills are my only defense against being tired for the rest of my life. Try this on for size: Go to bed and have a good night's rest, but have someone hold your nose every minute or so until you just about wake up and then let you breath again. Repeat repeat repeat. Every time the sleeper gets relaxed, cut off the air, but don't wake them up. Now when they wake up for the next day explain nothing to them. Let them just wonder why they're tired for the next decade. Hi! This is how I live!
So what do I do? I eat pills, lots of em. When I get tired, BANG Zantrex! So I eat Zs instead of catching them.
So here's a typical day: I wake up at 11 AM and start getting ready for work. I take care of the 3 S's. I get dressed. I pop a couple Zantrex. Go to work. Work for a while, get tired again, pop some more Zs. Then I get so fucking wired that I can't sit still. Even after my self medication I don't really wake up until around 7:30 PM. Now that it's 7:30 and I've taken dose #2 I feel fantastic... the only problem is that I will feel fantastic now until about 5 AM. Then I will lay in bed with my eyes wide open for another hour before I finally fall asleep. Wake up at 11, repeat. I kinda want to live a normal business hours life, but I get patterned real quickly. Now I'm staying up late, waking up late.
Smiggz just stopped by. I let him know I really liked his CD. I was hoping he'd stop by again. I rememberd a few lines from his CD so I commented about them so he'd know I listened to it. I don't think he believed me until I said, "expect you to miss like shaq at the line." Then he lit up and realized that I actually DID hear the whole thing. Good luck to you, Smiggz.
OK, the night is moving on by now and soon I'll be home. I met a really nice woman from Alabama. She really liked what I had to say, but she needed to talk to her husband first. Hopefully she'll transfer her 4 verizon phones to us and then get one for her daughter. That is how new wave Isaac makes sales. Spread the word! Tell people what you're all about and then get them to refer everyone they know. Mwa haha! Oh well, I'm going back to work.
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