Good happy day!
Wasn't happy to be at the mall today, but I made two sales. I also was alone all day so I didn't have to be social when there were no customers. I just got a lot of internet research done. You may ask, "What is he researching???" Whatever the fuck I want to research! Get off my nuts.
I got an IM from Drufus today that said, "I read your blog and it made me want to drive down there and shoot you in the face and then shoot myself it was so depressing." My bad. I enjoyed myself today. I would have rather been home curled up under a blanket with Beth watching A Christmas Story over and over, but if it wasn't for my job I wouldn't have a job. Sounds wierd, but that is the only way I can process it. If I didn't have my job, I'd have no immediate obligations to attend to. Sure, I'd love to see Beth more and work out more, but I could blow off those things if I wanted to. I must show up at work every day and it keeps me from locking myself in all the time.
The long hours are officially over! Thank you God for only being born once a year!
Joe G called me this afternoon and asked how things were going at the mall, I said they were going. He told me he was about to play Halo 2 with a buddy of his and wanted to know if I had any tips. I didn't, but as soon as I hung up the phone I had the perfect one: Don't get a job that works 7 days a week so you can actually get good at a game.
I have a couple pics I'd like to throw in, so here they are. I will also throw a link to my EQ guild's website if I feel motivated after posting this. I am happy today. Even if only happiness by lack of depression, but I feel pretty good today.
my tree with freshly opened gifts underneath.
This is Brad's gift still in the wrapping paper. I was very dissapointed because the bow fell off before I gave it to him.
I was going to end with Brad's gift, but I found a picture of myself on the internet and had to share it too.
Finding pics of myself on the internet that don't involve The Roman War Helmet is awesomeo 4000!
I got an IM from Drufus today that said, "I read your blog and it made me want to drive down there and shoot you in the face and then shoot myself it was so depressing." My bad. I enjoyed myself today. I would have rather been home curled up under a blanket with Beth watching A Christmas Story over and over, but if it wasn't for my job I wouldn't have a job. Sounds wierd, but that is the only way I can process it. If I didn't have my job, I'd have no immediate obligations to attend to. Sure, I'd love to see Beth more and work out more, but I could blow off those things if I wanted to. I must show up at work every day and it keeps me from locking myself in all the time.
The long hours are officially over! Thank you God for only being born once a year!
Joe G called me this afternoon and asked how things were going at the mall, I said they were going. He told me he was about to play Halo 2 with a buddy of his and wanted to know if I had any tips. I didn't, but as soon as I hung up the phone I had the perfect one: Don't get a job that works 7 days a week so you can actually get good at a game.
I have a couple pics I'd like to throw in, so here they are. I will also throw a link to my EQ guild's website if I feel motivated after posting this. I am happy today. Even if only happiness by lack of depression, but I feel pretty good today.

my tree with freshly opened gifts underneath.

This is Brad's gift still in the wrapping paper. I was very dissapointed because the bow fell off before I gave it to him.
I was going to end with Brad's gift, but I found a picture of myself on the internet and had to share it too.

Finding pics of myself on the internet that don't involve The Roman War Helmet is awesomeo 4000!
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