Sales and Smiggz

This is the Double CD I purchased from Smiggz himself tonight. It's actually pretty damn good. Here is the contact info that I found in the packaging: Email: Phone: 570-977-4841 or 570-856-4535
I am going to rip some of the better tracks off the CD. If you hear some of it, email me (
4 phones have been activated in the last two days. Sprint bought out Nextel and formed Sprint Nextel which will no doubt merge with Verizon in the coming months. If you know how huge corporations have to be aligned to merge you'd know that the whole Nextel thing was just to make the company worth enough money to retain some identity when they eventually merge with Verizon. Not many people are thinking that far down the line yet, but Sprint and Verizon both operate on the same signal and would be as smooth a merge as the Cingular and ATT one. When it happens, I'll drop an "I told you so" or two. I've also told off two douche bag fucktards in the past two days and bought a double CD from a rapper selling copies of his CD out of his jacket. It's been a decent two days. If we can activate 8 more phones this month we'll at least pay the rent. I think we're going to do it. I'm feeling slightly more confident than I was the last time I posted. I just have to keep at it and be brutally honest when selling phones. Selling phones to people who can't use them where they want to use them is worthless because they'll just deactivate before the 6 months required for us to get commission. We are in a questionable area for sprint service and I'm trying to fool anyone. I just want to sell phones to people who want what we have. If that's only a couple a day, then that's how it's got to be. Because of where we are, a lot of people commute east to NYC and to Jersey to work. Those are the people who will love Sprint PCS. There is plenty of signal around my store, but the backwoods hicks who live up in the fucking mountains don't get electricity or running water and expect 4 bars. Fuck em.
OK, enough about work. Smiggz is pretty good. I like rap if it's fun and has a good beat. I am not into the whole thug life, but I enjoy a little here and there. When Smiggz came up and asked me if I like rap and showed me his CD I was feeling open minded so I started talking to him. He said something that hit a chord with me and I had to buy his CD. He told me he's trying to do what he loves but it's hard to spend the time it takes to really shine at rapping and keep a job to pay the bills. That is EXACTLY how I feel about football. I feel like I could be at least a NFL practice squad caliber O lineman, but it's so hard to keep myself strong and in shape when I can't make enough money playing to focus on it. If I could just work out all day long every day I would have such a better shot at making the show, but I can't. I need money to live and $200 a game isn't enough to last the week let alone the off season. I didn't plan on 80 hours a week, but I also didn't plan on having the earning potential I have now (potential = what I can negotiate for myself if my store does well). I am a much bigger fan of David Allen Coe than I am of Smiggz, but I felt like giving him $10 for his CD was helping him reach his dream if even only a little. I hope he makes it so I can tell all my friends I met him before he was huge, but I am not going to hold my breath. He was a genuinely nice guy and the people he was with were all cool with me too. I look like the epitome of skinhead and bigotry from afar and I've heard from many people that they were deathly afraid of me before they met me, but this guy had no attitude, was very nice, and just working hard after his normal working hours to follow his dream. How could I say no? I wanted to put the CD in and just put him on blast for a few paragraphs. I know a few guys who say they are "rappers" and they SUCK! This guy is actually fun to listen to. I really like his CD even though I had an awful picture in my head about what it was going to be before I heard it.
Today I'm making sales and down with the underground hiphop community. Oh, and I have to mention that I am back to my old tricks and logging insane and unhealthy hours on Rainbow Six 3 for xbox on xbox Live! This game is the best game to ever come out for xbox and I don't see it being rivaled soon. So much fun. Speaking of, I'm going to go waste some fools whilst I listen to Smiggz.
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