Showing Brooke how to post pictures with flickr

Heather taught me... I taught brooke... heather taught brooke
I had to edit this post because I received a couple comments on my flickr photstream about the picture I selected as a demonstration to Brooke (one of my employees). This truck is why I work. This truck is why I'm not satisfied bringing home my lousy 350 a week at Wireless Communication Broker. This truck is why I want to put my college degree to good use. This truck is a Dodge Ram SRT-10. It is the fastest production truck on earth. 500 hp, 525 lb-ft of torque, 8.3 liter V10 Viper engine, and a Six-Speed manual transmission. This is all stock. I want this truck more than I've wanted any "thing" in my whole life. This truck is proof that God loves us. I have built myself one on a thousand times and sat and messed around with the payment calculator every single time trying to figure out what I'd need to save to get one. Basically, what it comes down to is that I won't get one until I have a place to put it. Now way in hell am I leaving this bad boy in the driveway or on the street. If I get one of the jobs I interviewed for last week I will put up a timer to when I have one in my garage. Of course I need to find a place WITH a garage before I can start stuffing it, but I have allready planed it all out. I get the amazing job. I buy/rent half a duplex in town w/garage. I buy the most amazing thing man has ever produced. I go directly to Kurt at Automotive Dreams to have the truck modified to my standards. I go to jail for multiple speeding violations and citations for reckless driving.
I have considered having the truck's passenger seat removed. I don't want anyone to ever be inside that truck but me. I never want anyone else's dirty feet and grimy ass hands all over the interior. I never want some scumbag fatass friend of mine farting on it. I never want to ever have to divert my attention from the greatest driving experience of my life. I will find a dealer with one on the lot and give it a test drive once I have a great job. I won't go now because I feel like it would be an insult to the truck and the driver who will one day be blessed with it's power if I try it for no reason. I even want to go so far as to put a special order in to have the truck delivered with zero miles on the odometer. I want it to be mine and mine alone. I don't want it to pick up chicks, I don't want it to give friends/clients/etc rides to show it off, I don't want it to travel places, I want it to enjoy it for myself in the most greedy and self centered way I can possibly muster up. I want to be there when people work on it and drive it in and out of the garage. I want to just sit in the driver's seat and know that this truck was built for me, it's been customized for me, and it's only to be driven by me, forever. If I have it and die without an aire to the truck I want it destroyed in standard demilitarization style. For the uninnitiated, when a truck is demilitarized it has the drivetrain destroyed, the body shreded into ribbons, and is mangled down in such a way that it "could never be of any use to a mechanic or collector looking to rebuild."
The modifications would include:
1. New exhaust system
2. Supercharger
That's it. Nothing needs to be done, but I want this beast to be the most powerful son of a fucking bitch ever. Both of these items are things I hold dear in my heart. A supercharger would boost the HP and torque by something like 50% and the exhaust would make it sound as evil as it truely is deep in it's viper heart.
Nothing gets me fired up like this truck. I used to be into speed when I was in high school. I always wanted to build up my old cutlass and make it into a beast. Then I met my buddy Brad who got me into offroading and that's been my passion ever since. I haven't cared how fast a truck is or really cared about anything without four wheel drive. Then the SRT-10 concept and I met fact to face in the jacob javits center in NYC. I have been an obsessive little bitch for this truck ever since. Even the Hemi Rams and the Ram Rumble Bee haven't done it for me. I love Hemis and I love the Rumble Bee, but they cannot even hold a candle to the SRT-10. If I had never seen an SRT-10 then I would be writting about how much I want a Rumble Bee or how much I would love to buy a Power Wagon, but right now, the only new vehicle on the market that makes me want to be in debt is The Truck. Anything else would be selling myself short. People think I'm nuts, but if I won a BMW or a benz I would simply sell it back to the dealer and put the money toward my dream.
It's Mopar or No Car. I want this truck. I will have this truck. I added a link to so you can all go and drool over this as well.
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