Hello, new apartment!
I finally found an apartment. What's funny about that statement is that the apartment I've seleced as the place I will rest my head is the first place I went to go look at. It's a really nice apartment right in Morristown that's rent controlled, so I'm saving about $500 a month AND getting to live right where I want to. I thought rent controlled meant "piece of shit" but when I saw the place, I knew it was exactly what I wanted. It's big enough to have people over and has everything I need. I dont' really know how to explain an apartment better than that, but it's nice. I hope to have a lil house warming get-blotto-and-pass-out-while-talking-like-a-pirate party when I move in, but now that we're all growing up, it's a lil harder than it was back in college. I had put my name on the waiting list that consisted of an inch high stack of business cards and never expected to get it. I'm pumped. I'm FINALLY moving back to Morris county.

I had jury duty this week. I was not selected, but I do think that my 8th grade social studies teacher, Mr. MacGuire was one of the other jurors that was not selected. I never liked him, so I didn't say hello. What a waste of a day. If I didn't love my country and understand the importance of doing my duty I would have done everything in my power to get out of it. As it turned out, it was a case where a septic tank collapsed and the people who lived in the house were suing the subdivision builders for doing a shitty job. I wasn't seleced, and the next day the message from the courthouse said that no more services were needed from my group, so they settled out of court. The lawyer for the prosecution looked like he was just about 14 years old. I am now realizing that people in "real" jobs are my age or younger.
I just wanted to mention my uneventful day off from work filled with sitting in a hot ass court room and hearing about what radio stations people listened to and what bumper stickers they had on their cars (great questions, judge.) so I could post the picture of that sign from outside. Nothing like a landmark courthouse that's known for it's public hangings. According to the icebreaker story from one of the self important pantsuited women who was giving us instructions, the people who were hung were not allowed to be buried in cemetaries, so they are buried along the roadways of Warren county. Add one more piece to the backward hick pile better known as Great Meadows. Oh, and I live 2 blocks from "Shades of Death" Rd. Yes, for all of you non-jersians, it's actually called Shades of Death Rd.
Another week closer to the 7. I have my midterm exam on wednesday.

I had jury duty this week. I was not selected, but I do think that my 8th grade social studies teacher, Mr. MacGuire was one of the other jurors that was not selected. I never liked him, so I didn't say hello. What a waste of a day. If I didn't love my country and understand the importance of doing my duty I would have done everything in my power to get out of it. As it turned out, it was a case where a septic tank collapsed and the people who lived in the house were suing the subdivision builders for doing a shitty job. I wasn't seleced, and the next day the message from the courthouse said that no more services were needed from my group, so they settled out of court. The lawyer for the prosecution looked like he was just about 14 years old. I am now realizing that people in "real" jobs are my age or younger.
I just wanted to mention my uneventful day off from work filled with sitting in a hot ass court room and hearing about what radio stations people listened to and what bumper stickers they had on their cars (great questions, judge.) so I could post the picture of that sign from outside. Nothing like a landmark courthouse that's known for it's public hangings. According to the icebreaker story from one of the self important pantsuited women who was giving us instructions, the people who were hung were not allowed to be buried in cemetaries, so they are buried along the roadways of Warren county. Add one more piece to the backward hick pile better known as Great Meadows. Oh, and I live 2 blocks from "Shades of Death" Rd. Yes, for all of you non-jersians, it's actually called Shades of Death Rd.
Another week closer to the 7. I have my midterm exam on wednesday.
Where you livin in the Mo County?
I have an apartment right off the green in Morristown. It's great, but it's going to feel so lonely to finally get the apartment I've been looking for for so long. I will truely be alone.
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