wow, ok, where do I begin? Well, first let me explain how I was kept away from posting for the past 2 days. My father has a computer on our network. My father downloads aprox. 50 viruses a night because he doesn't know better. Something he has on his computer is affecting our whole network, so I bought a copy of Trend Micro's PC-Cillan. I think I'm going to be ok now.
I am going to try and organize my thoughts chronologically to give this post some sense of order. Friday morning I had to take my truck which was still fucked up to work because I had no ride. If I was smart I would have hopped on the train, but I wanted to be sure that my truck was really broken before bringing it back down to Sansone. I was made painfully aware that the transmission is a piece of junk when it blew out every single gear and was stuck on 287 south. The truck downshifted, never got back in gear, and then sounded like I was dragging a 5 gallon pail full of wrenches along under the truck. Somehow I got lucky and it caught first gear long enough to get me almost to work. It fell out of gear again on a hill and I was stuck. Why people were piling up behind me instead of going around is anyone's guess, but there was some biotch so close to my bumper that I was afraid to even try to engage the gears because I only had inches before I would have rolled up on her hood. I was just about to put it in park and dial AAA when it magically caught first gear again. This time I barely even rolled myself to make sure I didn't lose momentum again. I parked in the parking garage, and called the old man to get back in touch of my uncle and tell him what's up. Needless to say, I've heard nothing from the shop and it's still down in Strada Bones's territory. My next call was AJ to see if he'd pick me up from work so I could still go to the NYC Autoshow. He was cool with it, so now I had a ride to NYC and back to Roxbury, but how was I getting home? My dad must have called my mom to tell her and she called me to let me know she was going to see a concert in Morristown with Mrs. Robinson (nick name) and could leave her car at my grandmother's house (side note: My grandmother has a day in her honor in morristown. Rose Decaro day is in May I believe). So now the plan was as follows: Run out of work at 5, AJ would pick me up in morristown, go to NYC, come back to morristown, drive back to great meadows. I never thought it would work. I figured something would find a way to fuck itself up. Supprizingly, it all went off without a hitch.
OK, first of all, AJ has some awesomo tats now. I think I'm going to make a journey out to PA to get mine done by the same guy while he's still out at hotrod school. AJ also rolled up in his sweet caddy. He got himself a late 60s caddy from the original owner that only has 40,000 miles. It's one of the best cruisers I've ever been in. Awesome. Anyways, we go off to hoboken to catch the ferry to the Jacob Javits Center for the NYC Autoshow. The show rocked, only problem was that it was full of gangstas and children who were sitting/laying/standing all over the cars and making it IMPOSSIBLE to get a good pic. I wanted to get pics of a lot more of the luxury cars and the italian sports cars, but they were surrounded by crack pushing gangstas who thought it made them cool to lean all over these cars like they were their own and this was their hot new rap video. By the time you got close enough to take a good pic you were too close and all you could see were fingerprints and stratches. There were people stationed with shammies to wipe the cars down, but most couldn't get close enough to get the job done. Let's just say it was packed with trash.
This year was very different from the one I went to a couple years back. The last show was full of concept cars that were so far out there that you just knew you'd never see one in production [see buick bengali]. This year it was a lot of cars that were either going to be in production in 06 or were allready being cranked off the line. Of course, the star of the show for me was the SRT10. I had to wait a half hour for some degenerates to finish hanging out in the cab to get inside and take a look around, but it was sooooooo worth it. I will have one of those. There is no question in my mind. I don't even put the SRT10 in the same class as the other cars at the show. It is in a place all it's own. So the other stars of the show were the Dodge Charger and the Ford Mustang. I didn't get a good pic of the mustang due to distance and crowding, but the charger and I were eye to eye and I got plenty of shots. Check out my photostream for more. I would post them here, but there is just too much to talk about. Both cars are straight performance with great musclecar looks. The charger (besides the fact that it's 4door) looks like it should be orange with an 01 on the side and a rebel flag on the roof. The mustang looks like they shined up a late 60s stang and threw it out there. I have nothing but love for car makers that realize that there is a generation of people like me that never had a chance to buy a reasonably priced performance car and are putting them out now. It's going to be hard, but I'm going to find a reason to buy a charger along with my SRT10.
After the autoshow, koWALA, AJ, and Allison decided we'd hop back on the ferry and see what was going on in Jersey. koWALA is the worst person ever, but he's always a good time. He mentioned a party going on in landing and we decided we'd check it out. At this point we picked up my mom's car, went to AJs to pick up WPE's car, and then went to landing. There were only a couple cars in the driveway and nothing looked like it was going on so we sent WPE to check it out. He called Jen (it was her house) and she said that it was still happening, so we went in. There were only a few people there, but I hadn't seen any of them in years and it actually turned out to be a great time. Somehow I got delt into a game of asshole, so I ended up playing a few hands. Now we got there super late and they had been drinking for a long long time, so you can only imagine how hard it was to get through a card game. After about 3 hands it broke down into people throwing cards and yelling about some ho that cheated with someone's man or some shit. This is where I learned my XMen power. I can throw playing cards like Gambit. I was blasting AJ in the face with cards from about 10 feet away consistantly. After the yelling and throwing shit finally cooled down AJ, Allison, and WPE decided it was time to go. I had just started talking with Amy and Jen in the kitchen and decided I'd hang around a bit. A bit turned into hours and I didn't get home until after 5AM. I have to say, not drinking has some serious benefits. I had a great time, got to hang out with some chicks I hadn't seen in years, and could still drive home. Why was this a bad idea? Because saturday night I was slated to drive up to Boston...
So I finally wake up due to a near exploding bladder at about noon. I should have been on the road at this point, but whatever. I call Drufus who was out even later than I was and was even more beat up. We were going to meet up at his place in CT and he was going to drive the rest of the way seeing as I didn't have my truck and had to borrow a ride from the parents. Plans changed when I realized it was almost 5PM and he still couldn't speak due to exhaustion. I would have to drive the whole way. My father proudly offered his F250 longbed, powerstroke diesel 4 door pickup for the journey. He knew I didn't want to roll up in my mother's hyundai and was proud to let me borrow his ride. I jumped in, filled both tanks, and was off. I got to drufus's house around 7, picked him up, and continued on up to boston. About 20 minutes from Shelton we get a call from Hot Carl who had previously decided not to come to Boston due to the horrific day he'd had. He had his volvo cracked up by some idiot that morning. He was T boned trying to make a right. It wasn't his fault, but he loved that car and was pretty upset. So Hot Carl decided he would like to come to Boston anyways and we turned around and got him. The three of us were riding up and we were talking about cover bands. I mentioned to Hot Carl (from rhode island... GO BOLTS!) that he should check out Great White covering Zeppelin. His response, "no way, Great White killed half of Rhode Island." Drufus caught this priceless exchange on video, but the site I was going to use to host it is down for maintenence, so I'll post the vid later.
We get to boston around 11pm. I was pissed because we were so late and everyone was giving us a hard time, so I was thinking this might be the first time we ever have a lame night. Holy shit was I wrong. It was pouring rain and we decided to walk from Grace's apartment to the bar. Of course I had to pound a half dozen beers before we left, so I was fine in the rain. We stopped at an ATM, and some dude was passed out in there:

Then we're waiting outside of a bar and got bored, so we threw Grace up a street pole:

Pete is about 6'4", so the pic doesn't really show how high lil Grace is. It was funny.
The line wasn't moving and the chicks were freezing, so we went accross the street to a bar without a line. The downstairs portion was just a bar and some tables. They had a lousy cover band playing shitty music, so we went upstairs to the dance floor. If by going you mean danced up the stairs. It was just a massive group of massive men beebopping up a flight of stairs. We then proceded to take the place over. I'm going to just make reference to a bunch of funny shit because there's no logical way to present this all. Pete was buying testtube shots, dropping them on the floor, stomping them to bits and screaming Mozeltov! Drufus met up with some bacholorette party and was chilliing with a bunch of married women:

I ran into a midget:

Nicole hooked up with a chick and bit her tongue badly enough to hurt her:
(that's her dancing with laura, but I needed a visual)
And we all got blotto.

So all of a sudden, Capt. Knopantz, Drufus, Hot Carl, and I were standing there on the dancefloor talking and the music switched from hip hop to hardcore dance music. We then innitated Dude Dance Party. All at once we all freaked out and started doing our signature moves. The dance floor opened up, and we freaked out the entire bar. Imagine about 1200lbs of dude dancing like idiots in the middle of the dancefloor. Now multiply that by awesome and you have just about what happened. One of the funniest moments at a bar ever.
So that time comes and we all leave the bar. We end up back at Grace's apartment and Grace and I are both talking about how hungry we are. She brings up a 711 nearby so we go. Grace ran cross country in college, so she decided to do her best boston marathon impression. I did my best to keep up with Grace while wearing boots and jeans in the rain. Note to self: Hang out with slower chicks. She had a great time turning around and yelling stuff like, "I expected better from you! Suck it up and run!" Shit like that. It was like having a pretty lil gunnery sargent hartman yelling at my Priate Pyle ass (if God wanted me to run to 711 he would have miricled my ass there). I buy a ton of food including a bag of something or other called "pirate's booty." Needless to say, that got a hearty chuckle from the boston strangler, and we run back home.
I was passing out in a chair and Hot Carl decided it was time to mess with me. He was going to spray mustard on my face, so I one upped him and drank it. I have a video of that too, but like I said, host site is down. The night ended with me wearing a pink bra and pete wearing this:

With Bobby all settled down, someone's got to wear women's clothing for a laugh.
Some drunken drama went down, and we all went to sleep. The next morning rolls around and we are at our ritual day after breakfast/lunch to laugh and laugh and laugh. We were hanging out outside the restaraunt and decided we were a street gang. Of course we weren't the badass streetgangs with guns, we were the dancing street gangs from west side story snapping our fingers like lunatics.

And so ended another fantastic weekend. I no longer believe it's possible to have a bad time with these psycos.
I'll wrap this up quickly. Daylight savings damn near killed me on monday. I ended up falling asleep at my desk at work only to wake up to people making fun of me through the window and my name over the loudspeaker. It's the price you have to pay to live like a pirate. I survived monday somehow and came back to work today to KICK THE SHIT OUT OF MY FINAL! I passed my proctored final with an 86!!!! I'm well on my way to series 7 mastery.
As of now the plans for this weekend involve visiting Allison at school with the PMFs. I'm not sure which day yet, but it should be a great time.
And anyone who hasn't seen Sin City let me know. I want to see that flick this week, but don't really feel like going alone.
I'm sure there's a lot of shit that I am still going to have to talk about from this weekend, but this is long enough.
I am going to try and organize my thoughts chronologically to give this post some sense of order. Friday morning I had to take my truck which was still fucked up to work because I had no ride. If I was smart I would have hopped on the train, but I wanted to be sure that my truck was really broken before bringing it back down to Sansone. I was made painfully aware that the transmission is a piece of junk when it blew out every single gear and was stuck on 287 south. The truck downshifted, never got back in gear, and then sounded like I was dragging a 5 gallon pail full of wrenches along under the truck. Somehow I got lucky and it caught first gear long enough to get me almost to work. It fell out of gear again on a hill and I was stuck. Why people were piling up behind me instead of going around is anyone's guess, but there was some biotch so close to my bumper that I was afraid to even try to engage the gears because I only had inches before I would have rolled up on her hood. I was just about to put it in park and dial AAA when it magically caught first gear again. This time I barely even rolled myself to make sure I didn't lose momentum again. I parked in the parking garage, and called the old man to get back in touch of my uncle and tell him what's up. Needless to say, I've heard nothing from the shop and it's still down in Strada Bones's territory. My next call was AJ to see if he'd pick me up from work so I could still go to the NYC Autoshow. He was cool with it, so now I had a ride to NYC and back to Roxbury, but how was I getting home? My dad must have called my mom to tell her and she called me to let me know she was going to see a concert in Morristown with Mrs. Robinson (nick name) and could leave her car at my grandmother's house (side note: My grandmother has a day in her honor in morristown. Rose Decaro day is in May I believe). So now the plan was as follows: Run out of work at 5, AJ would pick me up in morristown, go to NYC, come back to morristown, drive back to great meadows. I never thought it would work. I figured something would find a way to fuck itself up. Supprizingly, it all went off without a hitch.
OK, first of all, AJ has some awesomo tats now. I think I'm going to make a journey out to PA to get mine done by the same guy while he's still out at hotrod school. AJ also rolled up in his sweet caddy. He got himself a late 60s caddy from the original owner that only has 40,000 miles. It's one of the best cruisers I've ever been in. Awesome. Anyways, we go off to hoboken to catch the ferry to the Jacob Javits Center for the NYC Autoshow. The show rocked, only problem was that it was full of gangstas and children who were sitting/laying/standing all over the cars and making it IMPOSSIBLE to get a good pic. I wanted to get pics of a lot more of the luxury cars and the italian sports cars, but they were surrounded by crack pushing gangstas who thought it made them cool to lean all over these cars like they were their own and this was their hot new rap video. By the time you got close enough to take a good pic you were too close and all you could see were fingerprints and stratches. There were people stationed with shammies to wipe the cars down, but most couldn't get close enough to get the job done. Let's just say it was packed with trash.
This year was very different from the one I went to a couple years back. The last show was full of concept cars that were so far out there that you just knew you'd never see one in production [see buick bengali]. This year it was a lot of cars that were either going to be in production in 06 or were allready being cranked off the line. Of course, the star of the show for me was the SRT10. I had to wait a half hour for some degenerates to finish hanging out in the cab to get inside and take a look around, but it was sooooooo worth it. I will have one of those. There is no question in my mind. I don't even put the SRT10 in the same class as the other cars at the show. It is in a place all it's own. So the other stars of the show were the Dodge Charger and the Ford Mustang. I didn't get a good pic of the mustang due to distance and crowding, but the charger and I were eye to eye and I got plenty of shots. Check out my photostream for more. I would post them here, but there is just too much to talk about. Both cars are straight performance with great musclecar looks. The charger (besides the fact that it's 4door) looks like it should be orange with an 01 on the side and a rebel flag on the roof. The mustang looks like they shined up a late 60s stang and threw it out there. I have nothing but love for car makers that realize that there is a generation of people like me that never had a chance to buy a reasonably priced performance car and are putting them out now. It's going to be hard, but I'm going to find a reason to buy a charger along with my SRT10.
After the autoshow, koWALA, AJ, and Allison decided we'd hop back on the ferry and see what was going on in Jersey. koWALA is the worst person ever, but he's always a good time. He mentioned a party going on in landing and we decided we'd check it out. At this point we picked up my mom's car, went to AJs to pick up WPE's car, and then went to landing. There were only a couple cars in the driveway and nothing looked like it was going on so we sent WPE to check it out. He called Jen (it was her house) and she said that it was still happening, so we went in. There were only a few people there, but I hadn't seen any of them in years and it actually turned out to be a great time. Somehow I got delt into a game of asshole, so I ended up playing a few hands. Now we got there super late and they had been drinking for a long long time, so you can only imagine how hard it was to get through a card game. After about 3 hands it broke down into people throwing cards and yelling about some ho that cheated with someone's man or some shit. This is where I learned my XMen power. I can throw playing cards like Gambit. I was blasting AJ in the face with cards from about 10 feet away consistantly. After the yelling and throwing shit finally cooled down AJ, Allison, and WPE decided it was time to go. I had just started talking with Amy and Jen in the kitchen and decided I'd hang around a bit. A bit turned into hours and I didn't get home until after 5AM. I have to say, not drinking has some serious benefits. I had a great time, got to hang out with some chicks I hadn't seen in years, and could still drive home. Why was this a bad idea? Because saturday night I was slated to drive up to Boston...
So I finally wake up due to a near exploding bladder at about noon. I should have been on the road at this point, but whatever. I call Drufus who was out even later than I was and was even more beat up. We were going to meet up at his place in CT and he was going to drive the rest of the way seeing as I didn't have my truck and had to borrow a ride from the parents. Plans changed when I realized it was almost 5PM and he still couldn't speak due to exhaustion. I would have to drive the whole way. My father proudly offered his F250 longbed, powerstroke diesel 4 door pickup for the journey. He knew I didn't want to roll up in my mother's hyundai and was proud to let me borrow his ride. I jumped in, filled both tanks, and was off. I got to drufus's house around 7, picked him up, and continued on up to boston. About 20 minutes from Shelton we get a call from Hot Carl who had previously decided not to come to Boston due to the horrific day he'd had. He had his volvo cracked up by some idiot that morning. He was T boned trying to make a right. It wasn't his fault, but he loved that car and was pretty upset. So Hot Carl decided he would like to come to Boston anyways and we turned around and got him. The three of us were riding up and we were talking about cover bands. I mentioned to Hot Carl (from rhode island... GO BOLTS!) that he should check out Great White covering Zeppelin. His response, "no way, Great White killed half of Rhode Island." Drufus caught this priceless exchange on video, but the site I was going to use to host it is down for maintenence, so I'll post the vid later.
We get to boston around 11pm. I was pissed because we were so late and everyone was giving us a hard time, so I was thinking this might be the first time we ever have a lame night. Holy shit was I wrong. It was pouring rain and we decided to walk from Grace's apartment to the bar. Of course I had to pound a half dozen beers before we left, so I was fine in the rain. We stopped at an ATM, and some dude was passed out in there:

Then we're waiting outside of a bar and got bored, so we threw Grace up a street pole:

Pete is about 6'4", so the pic doesn't really show how high lil Grace is. It was funny.
The line wasn't moving and the chicks were freezing, so we went accross the street to a bar without a line. The downstairs portion was just a bar and some tables. They had a lousy cover band playing shitty music, so we went upstairs to the dance floor. If by going you mean danced up the stairs. It was just a massive group of massive men beebopping up a flight of stairs. We then proceded to take the place over. I'm going to just make reference to a bunch of funny shit because there's no logical way to present this all. Pete was buying testtube shots, dropping them on the floor, stomping them to bits and screaming Mozeltov! Drufus met up with some bacholorette party and was chilliing with a bunch of married women:

I ran into a midget:

Nicole hooked up with a chick and bit her tongue badly enough to hurt her:

And we all got blotto.

So all of a sudden, Capt. Knopantz, Drufus, Hot Carl, and I were standing there on the dancefloor talking and the music switched from hip hop to hardcore dance music. We then innitated Dude Dance Party. All at once we all freaked out and started doing our signature moves. The dance floor opened up, and we freaked out the entire bar. Imagine about 1200lbs of dude dancing like idiots in the middle of the dancefloor. Now multiply that by awesome and you have just about what happened. One of the funniest moments at a bar ever.
So that time comes and we all leave the bar. We end up back at Grace's apartment and Grace and I are both talking about how hungry we are. She brings up a 711 nearby so we go. Grace ran cross country in college, so she decided to do her best boston marathon impression. I did my best to keep up with Grace while wearing boots and jeans in the rain. Note to self: Hang out with slower chicks. She had a great time turning around and yelling stuff like, "I expected better from you! Suck it up and run!" Shit like that. It was like having a pretty lil gunnery sargent hartman yelling at my Priate Pyle ass (if God wanted me to run to 711 he would have miricled my ass there). I buy a ton of food including a bag of something or other called "pirate's booty." Needless to say, that got a hearty chuckle from the boston strangler, and we run back home.
I was passing out in a chair and Hot Carl decided it was time to mess with me. He was going to spray mustard on my face, so I one upped him and drank it. I have a video of that too, but like I said, host site is down. The night ended with me wearing a pink bra and pete wearing this:

With Bobby all settled down, someone's got to wear women's clothing for a laugh.
Some drunken drama went down, and we all went to sleep. The next morning rolls around and we are at our ritual day after breakfast/lunch to laugh and laugh and laugh. We were hanging out outside the restaraunt and decided we were a street gang. Of course we weren't the badass streetgangs with guns, we were the dancing street gangs from west side story snapping our fingers like lunatics.

And so ended another fantastic weekend. I no longer believe it's possible to have a bad time with these psycos.
I'll wrap this up quickly. Daylight savings damn near killed me on monday. I ended up falling asleep at my desk at work only to wake up to people making fun of me through the window and my name over the loudspeaker. It's the price you have to pay to live like a pirate. I survived monday somehow and came back to work today to KICK THE SHIT OUT OF MY FINAL! I passed my proctored final with an 86!!!! I'm well on my way to series 7 mastery.
As of now the plans for this weekend involve visiting Allison at school with the PMFs. I'm not sure which day yet, but it should be a great time.
And anyone who hasn't seen Sin City let me know. I want to see that flick this week, but don't really feel like going alone.
I'm sure there's a lot of shit that I am still going to have to talk about from this weekend, but this is long enough.
Damn, you talk about all kinds of things outside of my sphere of involvement. Like that stuff about cars. But it looks like you had fun in spite of annoyances. Woo ha.
ah, it's nice to have you back, Heather. If you want to know where she was, visit and read up.
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