Head v4.0

fresh new haircut
I finally made a decision that made me happy today. I got my head buzzed high and tight. I’m as close as I can be to just buzzing my head like I used to while still having a normal haircut. I love it. The dude I went to last time has such a thick Jamaican accent that it’s hard to understand what he’s saying, but he does a bang up job on my dome piece, so he’s my barber now. Last time he did exactly what I wanted, but I forgot that when I am in between long and short hair that I have a cowlick that will stand up on the back of my head like a ponytail unless it’s weighted down with something. I tried dealing with my hair, but I’m happiest the way I am now if I can’t just buzz it. I hadn’t shaved since Thursday coming up on this morning, and I had a few extra minutes getting ready for work, so I shaved in the chinstrap again. It felt so damn good to have it back even though it was only a few minutes. I almost forgot to shave it off before I left the house. I think that was my heart trying to tell my brain to forget on purpose. So, for the time being I’m clean shaven. It really sounds like it’s going to be a long long time before I’m in a place at work where I have a leg to stand on when it comes to my appearance, but damn it, I’m going to get there asap so I can go back to being who I am.
Regardless of my beard, I still have a haircut I’m really happy with. I’m typing this entry on word, so if I can figure out how to upload a pic of my new head then I will. I’ll probably just edit this afterwards to include a pic… but why the fuck am I telling you this?
Anyhoo… Frank looks good today making two straight days of healthy lil fish.. Wouldn’t be surprised if that jerk ate a rock that was weighing him down or something. Whatever it was it’s over now as far as I can see, so that’s great news.
I’m realizing how bad my blog grammar is now that I’m typing here. Every freaken sentence gets a wavy green line under it. Now I’m getting self conscious.
This Saturday, two cool things are going down. First, my cousin Russ is getting married. I’m happy for him. It still feels weird that Anthony is married; I can only imagine it will be even weirder now that Russ is going to me married too. The second cool thing is that my buddy Mike from Texas is coming up for the weekend. Mike, Brad, Randy Flagg, and I are going to hit www.skirmish.com for some good ol’ paintball fun. I’m so excited, but I’m a little disappointed I missed The Battle of Normandy (check out the site for more info). Thousands vs thousands for an 8 hour battle. The next big game is the 30th of October when they have some raid on a castle. That one sounds cool, but I’m REALLY looking forward to March when they are staging The Battle of Stalingrad… wait… who the hell am I kidding? I’m looking forward to Sunday.
I like to have a few beers while I lounge during the week, but I got home from work so late tonight that I really should have halved the number of beers, but I decided to just drink my 3 faster than normal, so now I’ve got a nice little Monday night buzz on.
The question from the post this one is standing on top of is still out there in my head. I don’t know if it’s legit, if it’s who it says it is, if I should even respond, whatever. My guess is that it’s a cruel joke being played on me by people who never knew where to draw the line (and that’s coming from me… go figure).
Now, for an unrelated story: When I was playing ball if I had the slightest cut on my hands, forearms, elbows, etc they weren’t going to heal until a month or so after the season. My hands and arms are scarred to hell from constant punishment and no time to heal. The second football season was over and my body could grow back the skin and seal itself up it was done. A cut that would bleed all over from game 1 through 15 would heal in a week. The scar would calm down in a month. After a while it’s just another badge of service. Only thing that would screw that process up was if I was doing something and reopened an old scar. Spending as much time in the woods as I used to there were times it would take all summer to heal the stupid little cuts that I earned during Spring Ball. In other words, opening up old wounds just slows down the healing process. If you want proof, I’ll show you my hands.
It rained like hell tonight. It made me so happy. I just sat in my truck with the engine off for a while to hear the rain hitting the windshield. Then I went inside and just sat on the couch for about an hour and gave myself a chance to just stop thinking and enjoy the smell and feel of a real good rain.
OK, you may go about your business.
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