Sunday, September 18, 2005

Lazy Weekend

I spent this weekend doing nothing as hard as I could. I felt like I was in a hurry to do shit ever since I got home on Friday night, but I ended up not doing anything but spending Saturday night at my Uncle's birthday dinner. Good times. I got a chance to see my cousin's wedding invitation. And by see I mean it's a DVD that was drawn and animated to the music of "somebody's getting married" from The Muppet Movie. My cousin's best friend is in animation for a living (I think... at least I know it's something he does) and he did a hell of a job putting together a funny little movie in the place of a static invitation. It's different, and I like it.

I also learned my other cousin's ex... who's like 4 years younger than he is... and he's 2 years younger than I am... was married this weekend. Good luck with that. It really made me laugh.

Spent a little too much time on EQ this weekend. I have been taking it like this: If I don't have shit to do and I stay in wasting time, then that's more money I'll have in my pocket to have fun when I do have plans. I could have done more with this weekend than I did, but one "plan" never materialized and I really didn't have a plan B. Didn't want one.

Anyways, my friends, I have to get going. Need to be awake bright and early tomorrow.


Blogger Karen said...

[doing the math]... So your cousin's ex is 18? Shit, I'm 26, and I'm still too young to get married. Need to grow up and live life a little.

Any more beastly-ugly dates recently? :)

3:54 AM  

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