Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dear, Rav

I posted this as a comment and decided to stretch it out to a post. Rav commented on my last post about how I said I couldn't afford gas to drive 200 miles every time I see someone and how that made me unqualified to handle people's money as a financial consultant. I have to make one more point before I copy it here, if I'm dating a girl that I really like I want to see her all the time. I'd love to stop by a couple times a week and have her stop by here from time to time, but when it costs 100 bucks a trip and takes 4 hours of drive time it just gets pricy and difficult. Anyways, here's his comment and mine back:

Rav said...
First time here, but sheesh....I read:

How do you tell a girl who you like that you can’t afford the gas to come see her when you’re a fucking financial consultant? It makes me feel awkward and useless.


"are you an investor?" "not interested." That wasn't the fucking question, asshole! If I had asked "Are you intersted in ______" and you said, "not interested" then it's bad grammar, but acceptable. But, if I ask, "are you an investor?" and you say, "not interested" you're not answering the proper question, you fucking idiot! Why don't you just listen? Why don't you give me a chance? I'm really way over qualified to deal with the people I'm calling. They think I'm selling magazines and I'm calling to offer them freedom from financial doubt.

I've always thought there is nothing more hilarious than those who take advice on how to get rich from people who aren't.

Hint, ...when you want to learn how to do something successfully learn from those who are already successful at what you want to accomplish.

Your first comment quoted above shows deep down you realize that as well.

It's unfair to deride others for not giving you a chance to teach them to go someplace you haven't gotten your own self to yet.

While I can understand your frustration, sales calls are a tough way to make a living,...

to borrow your phrase, "fucking idiots" might just as well define those who would risk their hard earned assets taking financial advice from someone who can't even afford gas for their car!

NJX70 said...

Rav, I thank you for your well thought out response, but I do have an answer to your statement questioning why someone would take advice from someone who is not rich. I'm deep in debt from college loans. I went to Fairfield Univestity's business school which is one of the most respected business schools in the country. I can't have a ton of money when I was smart enough to refinance my college debt at a much lower rate but with much higher monthly payments.

Also, I am young, but I am very well trained. I can tell you anything you'd like to know about investing (in a general sense seeing as making investment suggestions to someone who you don't know well enough to know what's appropriate and what's not is against the law). I just dont' have the money myself to do it. I know what I would do if I had it, but I'm new to a commission only business that takes years to get started.

I wish I could give you an example of things I can do for my clients. I can, but I have to keep it very general. I have guys who need income during retirement, so I conservatively allocate a fixed income portfolio to meet their income needs while taking their risk tolerance and investment experience into account. I have young parents who I help save for their children's education so they don't get trapped under debt like I am. I'm an AAMS designee which is recognized by the CFP (college for financial planning) and required 160 hours of classroom time.

I think my financial status gives me a huge advantage. I know how important every dollar is. I know that it's not ok to throw people's money around. I'm very good at what I do and I've blown people away with my knowledge and expertiese. I've brought over clients from brokers with 30+ years of experience just by being attentive to their needs where more experienced guys just want to churn them for the quick buck.

I do understand where you're coming from, but if you think things like paying yourself first and dollar cost averaging are less important because they are coming from someone who's digging himself out of a massive college loan debt and living on his own while starting out in a career that he's dreamed about since he was a kid than you're crazy.

If you'd like to hear what I'm all about then email me. I would have loved to email you to hear what you're all about just to help myself get ready for the people like you out there that are tough to impress. Obviously this isn't a place that I try to portray myself in a simply business sense. This is where I'm free to talk in my language and give out my feelings on things that are happening in my life. Yes, I drive a truck with a 32 gal tank that goes about 200 miles before it needs another 100 bucks worth of gas. Yes, some of the girls I've been hanging out with are over 100 miles away. Yes, I'm being very careful with the little money I have so I don't end up with poor credit and nowhere to live.

Again, the offer is there. If you'd like to chat via email my address is xxx or you can AIM me at xxx. whichever you prefer. I also use MSN messenger from time to time with my hotmail address as the contact.

I always welcome any critisim I can get because it makes me better.

Oh, and the people who say "not interested" when all you've said is, "are you an investor, and if so, are you open to new ideas from time to time?" then they aren't listening. They don't care what you can do. I could be a billionaire with a trillion dollars under management. I could be Mario Gabelli or Warren Buffet and they still wouldn't care. If they hear me out, and they tell me the truth, even if it's "I don't invest and I'm not looking to" or if they say, "I am an investor, but I have a guy working for me that I trust and I'd never work with anyone else" than that's FINE! I just want them to answer the question that is asked. I don't press, I don't fight, I just want to get the people on the phone who have an interest and will listen. Beyond that, I'll leave them to their own devices.

And, I CAN help them. I can take into account where they are now, what their goals are, what their risk tolerance and investment experience is, and put together a plan that will get them there (or let them know where they can go with who they are and what they have). I work for the best company in the business and I know for a fact what I do is better than 90% of brokers out there. I just need to find a better way to get in front of people to prove it to them.

Oh, and by the way, I have a 100% close rate. Every single person I've sat down with has opened an account that day. I've impressed them that much.

Again, I thank you for your comment and hope this site has entertained you enough to come back and read what I have to say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rav,

Wouldn't spending the $100 on gas be completely idiotic if someone was a finacial consultant? Isn;t the whole strategy of investing to earn a return on your money? Blowing money on gas to meet with a girl is very risky proposition. Its a low-odds form of gambling. She might be a winner, but the overwhelming odds are that she will not be. So putting the $100 your pocket is the most feasable solution.

So you would rather invest your money with someone who spends ever last dollar on frivalous things? Or someone who saves their money where they can?

If you chose the former, good luck ever being able to retire.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Putting the money in his pocket (or in his case paying down his debt) is abosolutely the right thing to do in Issac's situation.
To do otherwise would incur huge lost opportunity costs 20 years down the road.

I wrote a post back last night on that, but it seems to have gotten lost ...don't see it here now.

I didn't say that him choosing not to spend $100 on gas was something that didn't inspire trust, I said the fact that not having the money to do so was not trust inspiring.

Issac explained the reasons for that admirably, however, the fact remains he is an unproven entity...and of course the only way to prove anything is to do it.

I'm betting he succeeds.

1:00 AM  
Blogger NJX70 said...

Thank's, rav

8:58 AM  

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