Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Well, I've been doing a lot of research the past couple weeks and I think I am going to adopt a cat. I have been looking up shelters and adoption agencies, contacted a few, and gave them my story. I'm only worried about finding the right one and being able to provide a good life for it. It would be nice to have a little furball running around. Even though I'm a gangsta ass OG playa it still gets lonely around here sometimes. I've loved just about every cat I've met and I think I have a good place for one to live.

So it looks like the cost to adopt (as a donation for vet costs and shit) is going to be around $100. The shit I'll need to get, depending on which agency I use will probably cost another $150. Then there's food which averages out to be around 50 cents a day and the litter which I still can't price because every site I go to says either "DO NOT BUY CLUMPING LITTER" or "ONLY BUY CLUMPING LITTER UNLESS YOU WANT TO CLEAN THE BOX TWICE A DAY." So I'm not sure of that but it's looking like that will be no more than food. So if I figure on $30 a month after an innitial investment of $250 bucks then I should be set.

I'm actually pretty excited, so I'm taking my time. Normally I rush into shit and then end up in deep and scrambling for solutions. This time I'm going to speak to people, check out a ton of cats and adoption agencies, do my homework, and only do this once I'm 100% ready, if at all.

But wait. Aren't you in a pinch for money these days? You bet your ass I am. This is where my New Years resolution comes in. I know it's early, but I've been acting on it for about the past 3 months. It's more of a "now that I'm trying to live a good life resolution" then a New Years Resolution, but here goes:

I am going to stop being so depressed over the things in my life I cannot controll and focus on taking care of the things that are going to bring me happiness and success that ARE within my controll.

What does that mean? I'll tell ya! It means that I'm going to go into work every day and do my job to the best of my ability. If I fail, and that's looking like a pretty safe bet seeing as my boss put me on blast for 2 hours the other day, then I will fail knowing I gave it my all and move on. I will get a part time job at UPS loading trucks and update my resume. I will move into something else, but preferrably someplace that will hold my 7 so I don't ever have to retake it again. If this doesn't work out, I will be in a non-prospecting (cold calling) sales position, management at a place like Home Depot or Best Buy, behind the scenes work at a financial institution, or... here it comes... teaching/coaching like everyone's always said I should do. I vowed I'd never go back to school, but if it will get me a teaching job, I will have to. If I go that route I'm going to try to hold out for an alternate route certification, but if I can't then I can't.

BTW, I just lost another whole post because my hand hit the stupid dropdown button and I typed the correct letters to delete the whole fucking post. Thank God for "recover post", but I still lost about half of what I wrote. So you get the short version of the rest so I can go to bed:

I want a cat because I think it would be great companionship and a fun little furball to have. If I find a cat that fits my needs, is fixed, disease free, up to date on all shots, and with the temperment I'm looking for (from a respectable place) then I'm going to get one. If my job doesn't pay the bills, then I'll find another job. If I can't afford $30 a month for cat food and kitty litter then I shouldn't be here anymore.

I also figured out what it is about me that's changed. I have never been "in shape" to the point where I had a six pack, but when I was in top fighting condition I felt good about myself. Someone would fuck around and call me fat and I'd be like, "well, I bench, squat, and deadlift twice what you can, I run faster and can run longer than you ever will, and I can dunk a basketball off two feet... I'm an athlete." Sure, that sounds stupid, but it makes you feel real good about yourself regardless of your belt size when you know you are physically fit. I've never needed to look in the mirror and see a beautiful body connected to my head, but knowing I was always stronger and faster than anyone around me made me feel great about myself. I miss my beard and I want to shave my head or grow my hair out, but that's not the thing that's changed to make me feel so different. It's my athletism. I am running, but not enough. I can afford a gym membership, but I have nobody to go with and no time to go alone, so I really don't see it as an option right this second. So, this is in my controll, what am I going to do? I'm going to keep at my prison workout and see if I can't get myself to the point where I'm as quick and fast as I used to be. Once I'm back in cardio shape, the gym won't be so hard to get back into. Plus, it will help me go to bed earlier and feel better throughout the day.

I also can't controll my dating life. That sounds stupid, but I'm not going to be dissapointed when things don't work out with girls anymore. A couple of the girls I've met have lost interest in me and I've taken it real hard. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. I've been meeting some real high quality girls recently, so I'll just be content with that until one decides I'm what she's looking for as well. That's not to say it's not a two way street, but it's so much more painful when you're the one being told that she'd rather be friends then telling someone else. I'm never going to try to impress anyone. I feel strongly that if you win someone over by trying to be impressive then you'll have to maintain that forever. I'd rather find someone who likes me exactly the way I am, and she's out there. I just need to be patient and let it happen.

So that's work life, athletic life, and dating life... how about just plain old social life? Well, that, my friend, is sorting itself out proper. I've been having a blast on the weekends and don't see the party train ending any time soon. Cousin Fil has been awesome, his friends are awesome, my friends are awesome, and Morristown is awesome. Really nothing to complain about in this department. That combined with my sleep problems being sorted out has made for a great time. I'm going to just make sure this keeps going at this rate.

Hopefully, if things work out the way I have them planned, I'll either win at this job or go out fighting, but will end up making enough money to be happy and live a normal life, I'll be dating without any kind of internal pressure to find someone any faster than she wants to be found, I'll be working out and building my self confidence back to the point it was at before I gave up my football career, I'll keep the great weekends coming with my friends and Cousin Fil, I'll have a kitty to lay around with when I want to watch cartoons on a lazy afternoon, and my mitts.

<3 <3 <3


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