Saturday, May 07, 2005

Just flew in from St.Louis...

and boy are my arms tired.

But seriously folks... a horse walks into a bar, bartender says, "why the long face?" Horse orders a beer and the bartender says, "We don't get many horses in this here bar... that'll be $15.75" To which the horse replies, "At these prices, you won't see many more."

I'll be here all week. Try the veal, and be sure to tip your waitress.

Allright, enough of the plesantries. I'm back from St.Louis. I have a lot to talk about, but let's start with my date. I will not say her name. I will give no details. I may be an asshole and I may not give two shits what anyone has to say about me, but I have respect. I will call her Rutgers. I had a wonderful time. We had a great diner and saw Sin City. Afterwards we hung out and watched some tv and I ended up leaving mad late. We have a lot in common and I hope to see her again soon. I think it was a victory for me because I realize there are people out there that I will have a great time with. That's all you get.

My trip to AGE headquarters started out on a rocky note. I missed my plane on sunday. I thought my flight was at 5PM and it was at 1:20PM. I made it there just in time to hear them call for final boarding as I was checking my bags. I got on the 4PM flight and made it to STL with plenty of time to check in. I didn't have to be anywhere for AGE until 8 the next morning. Only problem? I didn't bring a single tie. Thank God for Helder. He lent me a tie under the idea that I was going to buy some and give it back... I wore it all week.

I also wore the lapel pin I received from CEO of AG Edwards, Bob Bagby himself. I proved to myself that I'm going to do allright in this business when I was the only one to actually carry on a conversation with him for more than a passing comment. He said something like, "Well, I guess if they say no to your investment ideas you can just rough em up, can't you, son?" "Well, sir, I don't think I'll wait and let them say no. I normally just rough em up at the get go." He laughed and we chatted. I wish I had the balls to whip out my camera in his office. He has the office you picture when you think of where a CEO goes to get his work done. All decked out in african bronzes and artifacts from throughout history. His favorite is a tusk from a wooly mamoth that has a story carved into it by prehistoric man. "Holy fucking shit" is all that was going through my head the whole time. Amazing.

I am going to touch on some things quickly because I really don't want this post getting out of controll. I did fine with everything I had to learn. It got hard to pay attention from 8 to 6 every single day due to the fact that every single topic was introduced in a 4 hour mind rape that started at 8am and was given by a different investment nerd every morning. The afternoons were fun because we'd get into our "breakout groups" and talk about things in normal human words with a sales trainer instead of an investment geek. I feel like I can handle a Bill beat down now. They taught me how to actually go through an investment reccomendation in a neat and orderly fashion. I think I see why Bill was beating me up, I had no fucking clue how to sell. I don't lie to myself. I know I still suck, but at least I know which direction to move now.

I met a lot of really cool guys, but one common thread that made me a tad uncomfortable was that a lot of them were my age, but they were all married and most of them had at least 2 kids. I know that the midwest does things differently, but when you see guys in your shoes doing things the way you had them planned it gives you a creepy feeling. I don't know what that feeling is exactly, but they were all very happy, they'd call their wives and give "I love yous" to their kids every night after class. I guess it made me feel like I had failed, but how can I say that? I have the opportunity of a lifetime. I have all the time in the world to get my business together and make some serious paper before I'm spending it all on biotches and diapers.

I have a ton of pictures, so I decided to put them up on my webshots page instead of flickr. I will get them to flickr eventually, but for now, I don't feel like editing them down to a reasonable size, so they are on webshots. Here's the link:

If you want, you could just click the title of this post... but which one of you idiots is going to figure that shit out first? I certainly wouldn't.

Anyways, I'm done. I have a lot to do. I'll get back to this again tomorrow at some point... hopefully.


Blogger Karen said...

Hi Isaac! Welcome back!

Thanks for the date details. :) All we want to know is what you did, if you liked her, will you see her again, and if it's the same person you went on a date with last time. Singles have more interesting answers than I do (1. something nerdy, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. yes, my BF. :)

I know it seems weird to see other people doing stuff that you thought you'd be doing by now... But if you're 24 years old I am older than you and man, I am A KID. When people ask me if I am married I tell them I'm too young for that. It's the truth.

Don't be fooled by those young guys talking mushy to their wives and kids on the phone. It's best to find the right person and marry/have kids when you're ready. That way you've had the life experiences you wanted to have and reduce the chances that you'll be one of those revolting middle-aged men trolling for slutty, extra-marital pussy. *You are a successful guy and not a failure.*

4:06 PM  

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