Tuesday, August 08, 2006


OK, here's a quick lesson for you pussies out there that don't understand the way the world works.

If you want something from someone and have the means to do so, you bully them. That is, if you believe that you are superior in any way (stronger, cooler, smarter, whatever).

If you give a bully what he wants, he knows to come back and ask for more the next time.

If you stand up to said bully and punch him in his fucking mouth and feed him his teeth he won't come around asking for your lunch money anymore. Of course, he could start shit with you again, but if you pound him a second time, a third beating probably will not be necessary.

In fact, the second beating should be viscious. I'm talking broken ribs and shattered eye sockets. When you fight back and they don't take you seriously, like if you cold cocked a bully who wasn't expecting it and he blames his "loss" on you sucker punching him, then the second beating has to be definative.

What these fucking anti Israel pieces of shit have been doing ever since Israel was established (don't go into who's land it really is... I could care less... I'm thinking of what it would be like if I was in Israel just trying to live a normal life with my family and having nutjobs blowing themselves up all over) was the old "I'm going to stick it in her ass tonight" routine. They push a little, see how Israel reacts. Maybe Israel didn't seem to like it, well, try again, only this time push a little harder. Until Israel turns around and slaps these terrorists, they will keep trying for the ass.

I'm 100% for the Israeli army steamrolling these pieces of garbage wherever they are. I wouldn't bat an eye if the good ol US of A stepped in and started throwing punches either. It's about time people stood up to bullies. The Muslims you hear about (read that carefully) are the bullies of the modern world. I don't care what you say about the US or Bush or anything. They are the bully... they think they are superior to every non muslim out there and, if allowed, are going to flatten Israel, and eventually keep going west and east and north and everywhere picking on people that don't believe in what they believe and if there isn't a showdown soon... well... I'm telling you right now... we didn't stand for Hitler, and it makes me sick that people don't see the same atrocities on the verge of becoming reality in the middle east.

I hate politics.

Anyways, war is good. It's a dirty horrible thing that ruins lives and causes more stress than you can possibly imagine on everyone involved. But you know what? When you fucking kick someone's teeth in for getting out of line and all of a sudden the world isn't such a scary place... that's a good thing. If this was 1940 and we were going through the same things we've been going through since 9/11 we would have started up the mother fucking draft, sent over a few million troops, shit stomped these assholes back into the stone age, and stayed until they were beaten and bloody enough to realize they were defeated. At that point we could stop the generational cycle of hatred and there wouldn't be any more babies growing up to be suicide bombers. That's all those people know. They carry AKs in the streets like they are hand bags. Did anyone really think that we'd have a few news clips of precision bombing runs and they would all turn swords to plowshares? This is a war that will go on a long time. I believe we're doing a good job, but I'd love to see us send every fucking military age man over there with an m16 and sqaure their asses away for good.

Fuck the middle east... I'm tired of their shit. I don't want to have to raise kids in a world where every other day some whacko is talking about a child in a well that told him to nuke some other people who call God by a different name because they don't agree on when to pray. It's just silliness. I'm actually looking forward to dieing so I can sit there and laugh as people of all religions come to realize that we're all wrong. That all of us have soemthings right and somethings wrong, but that none of us are perfect. Think of a 2000 year game of telephone. You know someone made a typo here and there. I'm not saying that I don't believe in the Roman Catholic God who watched me grow up, I'm just saying that I'm sure God is sitting there looking at us going "Dudes... you know... if you guys could just take the good stuff from every religion and realize that's where you're right and all this hate and death is just some jerk who put that in because he caught his wife banging some moor... you guys would rock if you could just get along."

I feel towards the middle east the same way I felt towards the guys who used to bust my balls growing up. Enough's enough. When I get my chance I'm going to knock his teeth out. I hope other countries step up to the plate and start steam rolling that whole fucking region. If they don't know, then they will. But, of course, it will be a ton more death, a lot of babies and women and innocent people going about their lives forced to die horrible deaths. Why can't they just call a spade a spade and start throwing punches?

OK, don't expect any more politics for a long time. I'm just sick of the idiots who complain about this "unwinable war" and then talk about reducing troop numbers and how we don't belong there in the first place bla bla bla. If any one of them could say they'd feel safer if everything was left alone then they would if the entire desert was turned to glass then I'll gladly delete this post and appologize, in video, wearing a dress. Saying anything but you'd feel safer without the middle east even existing is a lie.


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