The War of The Gears

I still can't believe I went out and adopted two kittens. One thing they are teaching me is that they do whatever the FUCK they want. I have stopped them from getting into my fishtanks with tape over the gaps, but when it comes to the recliners... it's the battle of the gears... and I'm losing. I LOVE to recline on my reclining couch seat and just relax and rock out to a few games of Rainbow Six 3 or Halo 2, but if I put my feet up, the two furry ninjas go running up under the feet. I'm so scared by it that I've stopped reclining and just brought over a kitchen chair to put my feet up on. Then there's the back of the couch. Not only do they go BEHIND the couch, but they go UNDER the snap on back piece and into the actual mechanical working of the seats. I can't stop them from getting back there. I've stuffed blankets, pillows, sweatshirts, and everything else I can find back there and they still find a way to fight their way under. They are still very small, so they can just about sqeeze under the couch as it is. Since there is an opening under the recliner they can sqeeze their little heads under the side of the couch and up under the seat. They are so quiet and so fast that I never know if they are back there or not. The only way I truely know they aren't under the seat I'm sitting on is if I see them both. When the couch reclines it causes a slightly larger gap behind the couch, so even if I did insure they weren't back there when I put my feet up, there's a 100% chance they will be there when I want to put the legs back down. I will find a way to win this war, but there have been casulties. My phone line at my house no longer works because I broke the stupid jack while stuffing shit behind the couch. I didn't realize this until today when I misplaced my cell and tried calling it. There was no dialtone, so I went and looked and I had broken the stupid jack. It's a splitter, so I can probably get another one, but I'm going to see if Brad can fix it first. It's just wires and I'm sure one just got pulled loose, but I don't have the tools/patience to fuck with it now.
So with all the fear I have of forgetting to check and ending up with liquid kitty is it worth it?

You bet your ass it is. This is the scene at my place while I'm typing. I have two little friends that keep me company when I'm here alone. Today wasn't the best day at work, but that all faded away watching the boys roll around and play until they were dead tired. When they were done they jumped up on my lap and fell asleep. It is almost 1am, so they are just about ready to get up and go at it again. I'm going to sleep before they wake back up or I'll be up all night playing with them again.
Power moves are in store. Be ready. Change is coming rapidly.
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