Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Holy spinning horse shit... I hate the poison that I ingested. In other words, if you haven't been following my long and annoying away messages that have detailed the feeling of absolute impending death that I've put up over the past few days, here goes:

Saturday I wake up at 10:30 rested and ready to go. I put the kittens in their travel box and grab a couple hotdogs (I know, awful breakfast). I'm in a hurry, so I only nuke them for about a minute... they are still luke warm when I eat them. I ride about an hour to Great Meadows to visit with my family for a bit before I bring the kittens to the vet. My mother asks if I'm hungry and offers me cottage cheese with pineapple... I accept. We then get in the car and go out to PA to see the vet. When we are about a minute from the vet I get a sudden and intense feeling of dizziness (or teh vertigo). It goes away after a few seconds. I pass it off as just a quick change in altitude while driving. I bring the kittens in and give the girl all my information. Name: Wyatt Color: Tuxedo Age/DOB: October 5, 2005. Name: Virgil Color: Tuxedo Age/DOB: October 5, 2005. (yes, I named my cats after the Earps and I'm happy with it. They don't answer to shit anyways, might as well have fun). The checkup room is open so I bring them in. The nurse is weighing them and looking up their records when I get so dizzy I can't even stand up. I slump into the chair and start pouring sweat. "Did you bring a stool sample?" "Yes... it's in the car... I'll be right back." I stumble so badly trying to get out of the office that I almost fall over and get dirty looks from the woman and young girl walking in with their cat... they think I'm hammered. I stumble to the car and bend over to pull the latch for the trunk... and almost fall on my face. Luckily, my mother's shitty Korean car broke my fall and I slumped into the car and just layed there. I was not going to make it back inside. I took off my hat, GLASSES, and fleece and put them on top of the car. I dont' know if I can, but I slide around the car to the passenger side and lay down in the passenger seat. I can't even open my eyes at this point. I'm pouring sweat so fast that it's getting in my eyes and I can taste it as it drips down my mouth and off my chin. I'm soaked. My mother comes out in a few because I never returned with kitten shit and asks if I'm OK. I can't even answer her loud enough for her to hear. She gets to the car and I explain what I'm feeling and ask her to go back in and explain exactly what's going on with Wyatt and make sure everything's OK. She does, and in about 20 minutes she's back outside with the kittens and gets back in. She lays my fleece and hat on my lap and we go. I'm so sick I can barely breath. When I feel the car stop and my mother says we're home I quickly put the seat up so I could get out ASAP... and we weren't home... we were a block away. I tell my mom that I'm feeling like I'm going to puke, she keeps driving. Finally, as she's turning into the driveway I have to yell out "STOP THE CAR" and puke my fucking guts out all over the driveway. Somehow I finish puking, ride up the driveway, and get in the house. I crash on the couch, puke again about 30 minutes later (this time all dry heaves and snot... mmmm) and am incapable of opening my eyes for 24 hours. I wasn't feeling so bad later that afternoon, but if I tried to open my eyes I was immediately so nautious that I grabbed the garbage can in fear of puking all over the place. I had no plans of staying past lunch... I didn't end up leaving until Monday morning circa 6AM. I went to work on monday, but I felt so shitty and got so little done that I called out Tuesday and Wednesday to try and get my shit together. I've been in bed early sat, sun, mon, and tues to try to get to work should I feel better, but no luck. I wake up, shower, and hope that the dizziness will go away, but it hasn't. Even today, Wednesday, at 6PM I'm still feeling light headed. It's better every ,klghy c <--- typed by Wyatt. He just figured out the keys make noise. AS I was saying, I'm feeling better every day, and the doctor my mother works with through the school said that it's normal to feel like shit for days after a serious food poisoning.

Of course, having problems with your dome piece makes you scared and having friends that say "dude, you had a fucking stroke." or "holy shit, that's exactly what my uncle said right before he had a heart attack at 30." Doesn't make it any better. But, I do have to thank you for scaring the dog shit out of me.

So, what have I been doing the past few days? Let me see... I've been laying so low that it's insane. No TV, no EQ, no Xbox, no nothing. I know that if opening my eyes was bad on day 1 then panning a TV/Monitor for hours isn't going to feel good at all. I did sneak in a few minutes of EQ this half week. I was going insane just laying around. Sure, I have two kittens that are great company, but there are only so many hours you can snooze with cats while they get ready to wake up at midnight and kick each others' asses. I've let about 10 emails come in unanswered, which I hate doing, but I had no choice. Obviously, today I'm feeling up to typing and watching my typos fly by, so I'm going to get back to some of these people.

Anyways, I have shit to do, I'm going to leave this be


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