Thursday, March 24, 2005

I love the SEC, NASD, MSRB, and all their regulations!

I spent 8 hours reading page after page after page (125 to be exact) of straight rules and regulations surrounding the securities I will be trading one day. Holy shit! I ate 3 NRGs and drank enough coffee to give a horse an irregular heart beat and was still falling asleep at my desk trying to get through this stupid chapter. I dont' think anything so boring has every come accross my eyes... at least since I read wuthering heights... I hated that book. I thought I would enjoy the read because I do enjoy business law, but this is every single rule that has been put in place since 1933 and I was supposed to know them all well enough by the end of the day to take a 100 question multiple choice test and get an 85% or above. Allegidly I got an 83. Shhhhhh! I didn't take the test because there was no way I was going to forfeit 2 hours of time I could be studying to failing a test I wasn't ready for. It was just smart time management. I'll get some reading done this weekend and work on putting stuff down on flash cards so when I go in and actually take the test on monday I'll be ready. What makes this all so hard is the fact that these rules were all put in place to stop some of the craftiest mother fuckers in history from bamboozeling us silly investors.

Little history for dat ass:

For those of you that didn't know, J.P. Morgan is famous for being a bear raider. A bear raider convinces people to invest on margin in stocks, manipulates the market so they price goes to almost nothing, buys up a controlling share of the company, and covers the marginal investments with worthless stock. He basically was raping and pillaging the market until he was a very very rich man.

Because of wizenheimers like JPMorgan I have to sit and read 125 pages of dry, painful, annoying regulations and know the subtle differences between things like Regulation A and Regulation D. Not only do I have to know the differneces, but i have to be able to tell which one is responsible for what changes.

Ex. What regulation says broker dealers can't make a market in privately traded stocks?
A. Regulation A
B. Regulation D
C. Rule 144
D. Rule 144A

Ex. A customer wants to show his appreciation for a job well done he can:
I. Give a gift of $100 1 time
II. Give a gift of $1000 1 time
III. Only give a gift if it's approved by a principal
IV. Can give a gift at any time as long as it is appropriate under Rule ###

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and IV
D. II and III

I don't know the legality of posting real questions, so I just pulled them out of the ol' noggin. That is what I do for HOURS! It's hard and I don't like it, but I LOVE my job, and I'm happy with my life! The reason I don't like studying all day isnt' because I shake like I have parkinsons from the caffeine and still doze off from boredom, it's because Bill will come in and give me practice things to do and I'm not good at them yet, but I have to get through serious ammounts of information for the test and really am having a hard time figuring out how to do them both well.

I know nobody checks this page out during the week, so I'm posting for myself... thus the length recently. Suck it up!

Today Drufus introduced me to a very good site. I read it from cover to cover and I like the way this guy presents his information. The link is: I haven't decided if I should add it to my links bar or not. You can agree or disagree with this dude, but you can't say it's not entertaining to read.

I had a conversation with an 18 year old buddy of mine today. He told me he thought he was a failure. I tought back on what I've experienced in my life and told him the way I see it. There is no cutoff point in your life where you can say that if you haven't made an impact by "now" that you are a failure. Life is hard. You don't get anything just because you want it. You have to work, suffer, hurt, get crushed, fail, embarass yourself, and find your way. If someone tells you they have an easy life, laugh in their face. Nobody's exempt from being a human being. You could have all the money in the world, the best job, the best house, the best car, and a glaring dissapointment someplace else that won't go away. I know for a fact that no matter how good something's going there is something else going just as poorly. Where I find peace in my life is in the realization that no matter how bad things get, they all ballance out. If you can survive the horrible things happening to you now and all the while enjoy the things that are positives you will be happy. That old saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is right, but it's not perfect. When you learn to deal with things that are bad, the next time something of equal "bad-ness" comes up you're ready for it. If you learn to remain happy in times of great suffering while not ignoring the pain but championing it, you will be ready for anything. I'm not saying to repress your feelings of hurt just because you want to be some tough guy. Believe me, I'd love to say that works, but it doesn't. When it hurts, it really hurts. When I cry, I really cry. I have no fear and no shame about the way I feel emotion. I am intense and passionate. I've learned to deal with disapointment and frustration by living times of epic dissapointment and epic frustration. I have posted at length about my ability to endure great ammounts of unpleasantness. I believe that is something I was born to do. I take on the trials of others because my skin is that little bit thicker. My back is that little bit stronger. I'll carry that cross when you are weary. I will hurt like you hurt, because that is how I show you I care. I will use my power to sustain myself against all odds because I'm fiercly dedicated and deadly loyal. Again, that doesn't mean I repress anything. I'd rather let it all pour out and learn to swim in a sea of my own tears than suck it in and let it rust my insides rotten. I just know that the next time, I'll be that much more prepared for what is to come. Basically, "What doesn't kill us prepares us to go on living our lives the next time something of equal or lesser significance comes up."

I'm off tomorrow, so I get to just play. I am in my first tight financial time now. I am not liking this whole "1 paycheck a month" thing. I am sure it will be much easier to plan out my monthly allowance when I'm bringing home 6 figures a month, but I need to just get used to the way it's going to be NOW. I had to put down $1,500 on my apartment and I need a new memory card for my camera. I think I'll do some online research and then go out and pick one up, but that means some other financial responsibilty has got to go for now. I will have to go over my finances again tomorrow before I decide what to do. As of now I can only take about a dozen photos before the memory is maxed out and I'm meeting up with Tom, Dave, and Awesome Dan on saturday for the first time since my VERY FIRST POST, so I want to have the freedom to just snap away. What good is an awesomeo 4000 camera with a piece of shit memory card?

Deutscher Teil des offensichtlich gestern Abend der Geschichte war in der Übersetzung verloren. Ich hoffe, daß dieses besser ausarbeitet. Ich versuche, die grundlegendste Grammatik zu verwenden, die ich kann. OH- Brunnen.

I liked that lil quote game. Here's another meatball down the center of the plate. I'm trying to warm up slowly to the idea.

Quote of the Day:

"What's with the knife? We havin cake or somethin?"


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