Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Mission 1: Get a bunch of stuff off my mind by putting up a new post

Mission 2: Get to bed by 10:30PM

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Deep Fried Holliday Wishes

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas has been my 100% favorite of the whole year my whole life. Everything makes you feel good. Growing up, sports changed season. I was no longer out in the cold cracking skulls. I was inside running suicides in the warmth and comfort of a hardwood gym. The weather has officially turned cold which means I get to wear all the beat up old hoodies and sweat pants that were just too warm for the fall. There is the daily ritual of getting warm. How good does it feel to be freezing cold and then pull out warm clothes and a blanket and sink into a comfy seat and bundle up? It's amazing. I can't get cool once the temperature gets over 65, and if I do have the luxury of having a cooled apartment or office to get into it takes me HOURS to stop sweating and finally get comfortable. In the winter all it takes is a few minutes of being bundled up, piled under blankets, etc to become as comfortable as you want. If you're not warm enough, what do you do? Get more warm clothes and more blankets. If you get too warm? Just kick off the blanket.

The summer is finding space, it's reducing contact with your skin, it's getting in a breeze. The winter is bundling up, holding things close, appreciating the warmth of whatevers around you. It's a cozy, comfy, tight, warm, time.

What makes the winter especially nice for me is that I have been conditioned to withstand extreme cold. (warning: football story) When I started playing football my freshman year of high school I'll never forget when it got bitter cold and I put a sweatshirt on under my pads. I got to the field and was laughed at. My coach looked at me like a kid who didn't know how to start a lawn mower and explained to me that Offensive Lineman don't need to wear sleeves or pants (under our football pants like some lil guys did). He had already taught us that we love the mud and the rain, and that stuck, so why not this? He had a big smile on his face and then went back to what he was doing. So, during a water break I took off my pads, took off my sweatshirt, and put my pads back on with only a t shirt underneath. I was so fucking cold. I remember how badly every touch on my arms felt. It stung when I'd hit something hard and feel like a dull deep impact when I hit something soft. My knuckles bled and my skin cracked. I went the next 3 hours feeling colder than I ever had. The next day, T shirt. Every day after that, T shirt. The difference after that day was I was realizing that putting up with things that nobody else has to is what being an OL was all about. With every little trick and every little change I was becoming a part of a greater fraternity. By the end of the season I was coming back in laughing about the cold. It still felt like shit, but that pain was part of being who I am. I needed to get used to it because all the people that came before me did the same thing.

Fast forward 8 years to my senior year of college ball. Same shit. We had to practice at 10PM a few times because of an asshole town ordinace that said we couldn't use our practice field after 7 because it, "lowered their property value." I still remember going out there with my arms turning chalky and white within seconds and having a smile on my face. Even our coach came out in very light gear because he stood strongly by the unwritten book of OL.

By this point I was so used to the biting feeling of icy cold winds and rains that I started to like it... better yet... I looked FORWARD to it. I couldn't wait for it to be so cold that every breath you took in froze the hairs in your nose and made your tongue go dry. When it would hit zero, I'd wear even less gear. I finished my senior season with a nike dryfit heat gear shirt under a set of pads and an underarmor duke. That's all I'd wear and it felt great. I'd sweat and feel my practice jersey freezing where it didn't always have contact with my body. I felt like a new man.

What does that mean for me now? I can deal with so much lower temperatures than most people that it makes me look like a good guy. I can give up my jacket, gloves, hat, whatever to someone less cold tolerant than myself. Do I feel the cold? Yes. It fucking sucks, but it is permanently written into the base of my soul that when I'm that cold it's good, so if someone else needs warmth, they can have whatever I've got. I'll suck it up. That has a lot to do with the fact that I'd rather suffer than watch anyone else suffering, but seeing as it's just weather, it's easy stuff.

I was talking to my grandmother tonight after dinner and she asked me how the heat is in my apartment. I told her the truth... I don't know. I still sleep with a window open. As I said above, I love the feeling of bundling up. It's having controll over how you feel which is something I lack in the summertime. Nothing feels better than a cold night and a warm stack of heavy blankets.

Ehem... back to what I wanted to get into: The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I had my first taste of what real life is like during this time last year when I worked every day but christmas eve. Ever since I was born I've had at least a week off surrounding Christmas. That was the time I could forget about school, sports, girls, whatever and just sit at home baking cookies with my mom and watching stupid movies with my dad. It was all sweat pants and scrambled eggs at noon. Last year it was surfing the web at my kiosk and praying that we'd make some sales. This year it's busines suits and cold calling. I guess the need for a week of time with my family during this time will fade as the years go by, but having to work around the holidays makes them less important to me. I used to seriously feel like everything I did was about love and family. I'd get home and just be happy to be in my own bed in my own house surrounded by the people who mean the most to me, now I get to have dinner with family and then drive back here where I don't even have a single decoration on the walls. Last year I barely even had a holiday. It was just one day I didn't have to drive into PA to sit in my store and get hollered at.

I don't think it's going to be as bad this year. My job is very good and there will be a nice 3 day weekend for Christmas, but I don't really get the Christmas feeling looking forward to just Christmas day. I like looking forward to the break, to the time when all that matters is family, to the relaxation, to the time that lets me reset myself and get back ready to go for January. Looking forward to 1 day off from work and 1 day with my family just doesn't feel the same.

It also sucks when I don't have any money socked away for Christmas gifts. This is the time of year I like to show how much people mean to me by finding them a little something that shows I was thinking about them. This year it's going to be reaaaaal tight so I doubt I'll be able to do much of anything.

Well, I've let this post ramble on as I fly through www.ytmnd.com and blab away on AIM. I'll try to focus better for the next post.

Basically, if you didn't read this at all, I miss my time off for Christmas. The end.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Just Wastin Time

I've decided that the theme song of this month is Killin Time by Zakk Wyle's Black Label Society. His guitar solo is something that could be playing in my head all day long and I'd be totally cool with it.

I'm starting to feel like I'm here to waste time. Guess it fits with the title of this piece of shit blog, but it's becoming a way of life.

I started thinking today at work while I was blowing an hour on yahoo news that I wanted to go home. I then thought about WHY. Wasn't really sure. Was looking forward to some things, and trying to be optimistic, but it becomes increasingly hard to count on things. Take 1 part lack of self confidence in situations where I'm putting out effort, 1 part not really talking to anyone about it, and 10 parts having plenty of time to think and you get a silly feeling of needing reasurance for stuff. That could be anything. I'm a worrier by nature. It's that formula I outlined above. I find something I want and when it's something difficult I need to know I'm doing things right. I HATE cold calling. I used to think it was just a necessary evil, but it's becoming so hard to wake up and know that's what I have to do all day. Why? Because 1. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, 2. There's nobody to talk about it with, 3. I have a shitload of time to myself to think about it. That's a great example of how things get to become an issue in my life. Work isn't the only one, believe me, there are plenty of things in my life that fit that formula well.

Off topic... returning... so anyways, I was wondering why I was so ready to go home. I've cut back on doing things in my apartment and have been branching out and trying to find other shit to do. I've been running stairs in my building when it's raining or freezing out (which has been every fucking night... mother nature, you bitch) and I've been leaving town more. Even if it's only to hit the grocery store for some little things I'm finding ways out of the apartment. When I'm in here I'm trying to do shit other than waste away in front of this computer. For one, I hate the image it projects... especially when meeting new people. Being in front of this computer, if it's downloading music, TV shows, reading up on stuff, writting here, playing games, or whatever... I'm still in front of a computer. The games thing bothers me a lot now. I guess it's because if I'm playing EverQuest and someone asks me what I'm doing and I'm honest I feel like I've just lost about half of all earned street cred. I was a fucking pro football player for christ's sake. Can't a man play a game? I don't think I've been judged too harshly yet, but I feel that gross bubbling sickness feeling in my stomach anytime someone sees that I have an xbox with a live headset out. I promptly put anything game related away when friends are coming over. I never know what they see and with my current doubts about my physical apearance I really don't want to fuck anything else up.

OK, off topic again... coming back...

So, when I realized I wasn't sure why I was looking forward to going home it made me feel stupid for wanting to go home. Why not spend all my waking hours on the phone bringing in business? I don't really have much to come home to. The things I really look forward to are in the future (and the weekends), so the here and now really doesn't give me much to do but watch the clock spin and go to bed. That's another reason why Killin Time is now the theme song of the month.

This whole job thing is causing me to readjust my annual internal clock. I get this ansy feeling every summer to get into the gym and get ready for the fall. Then the winter comes and it's basketball and workout time again until the spring when it's straight weights until mid summer when it's back to running and lifting and then we start again. The summer means freedom and play time. The fall means serious business, parties, class. The winter means family, relaxation, baking christmas cookies and listening to Bing Crosby. The spring is fun, conditioning, parties, nice weather, vacation, more parties, and preparation for summer. Every year means I elevate to another level of whatever the hell I'm doing. Every fall means the old job is gone and the serious business can start again.

Now it's like this: Fall means work, winter means work, spring means work, summer means work. Next year will be the same as this year. Rinse. Repeat.

Of course at this job I should be spiraling upwards towards a life that I read about in magazines, but when you're being told to fuck off 200 times a day (or 100 like the past week) it makes it hard to believe that one day you'll be there. There's no guarante that next year you'll be a sophomore and no longer the whipping boy. There's no guarantee that once the senior graudates you get his position because you have worked hard. There's no new group of people to party with coming in every year.

Then there's living alone:

That's about what it's like. I realize what I'm doing now and I have to stop. I'm talking Helder and Joe's ears off because those are the only people I really talk to on a daily basis. When I tell a story that happened today that relates to something that happened a week ago they are the only ones that don't need the back story. They are the only ones that will be there to bust my balls when I do something stupid and the only ones that have my back when I'm having a horrible day. I'm planning to do somehting nice for the both of them this holiday season, but it's going to basically be construction paper and painted pasta because I don't have shit to spend. I'll leave it at that. Who knows who reads this. So anyways, I talk to them because I'm using them as my release. I'm also stopping them from getting shit done. I know they are serious about this career just like I am, and it's not helping anyone that I talk so much. I'm going to try to keep a lot more shit quiet and then come on here and talk to you guys... whoever you are.

I need to talk to someone once and a while just to clear the stupid things I have stored in my head once and a while. I'm notorious for talking too much and being too open and too honest. I let people in too fast. Helder and Joe are like brothers now, but I need to stop letting my lack of talk targets get in their way. Plus, if I act like I CAN'T talk to them then maybe I'll get more done too. We'll see how this goes.

On another note, I've been linked to again. It always makes me smile when someone enjoys themself here enough to post a link to me on their own site. I can't tell if my bitching is pathetic enough to make me comical or if it's something I've said or done that has entertained someone enough to actually want to come back, but I'm going to post the link to her site tonight. I've already posted for her to holler at me if I don't do it, and remembering now is half the battle.

Oh, and my sleep study was moved up to the 30th. Now I get to go in a little earlier. I'm happy about that because the longer I'm a sleepless cafinated nervous worrying pussy the longer I'm not doing my job to the best of my ability and the longer I don't have the motivation to get out and do shit and the longer until I'm really 100% happy. Now that I've actually pinpointed that there is a problem with my sleep I won't be happy until it's fixed. I can be happy with situations, but to be completely happy I will lay in bed, close my eyes, and wake up the next morning refreshed and recharged... ready to take on a new day that has the opportunity to be the best day of my life. Right now I go to bed pissed that I didn't get everything done that I had planned to do and then wake up feeling like someone beat my fucking ass.

Speaking of, the garbage men fucked up with the fork of the dumpster lifting arm and had to actually BANG THE STEEL DUMPSTER ON THE GROUND TO GET IT FREE. Picture a young child with a burnt up marshmello on a stick trying to get it off without touching it by smacking it on the ground over and over. That's what they did... WITH A MASSIVE STEEL DUMPSTER. But that wasn't the first time I was woken up last night. When that dude came up to ask me about a loud thumping and then loud footsteps I was basically like, "not me, mac" and went back to bed. Last night I woke up at 3something in the morning to what sounded like someone using a sledgehammer to break into my apartment and then loud footsteps. Again, my first instinct was get up and protect the ocupants of your place... just like it would have been in any other situation in my life when I've had people to protect. (I've actually walked through scenarios where someone breaks into my folk's house and I had to fight someone off... O Line syndrome) So I get out of bed and walk into the living room. The sound wasn't actually coming from my door or wall like it sounded. It could have been outside, above, below, wherever, but it shot me into battle mode faster than even the guy yelling at me through the door. I called my super tonight to let him know that some dickface is making a career out of breaking rocks in his apartment at 3am. Phone calls were not immediately returned by the super. (I learned that from the AP.) So we'll see what happens with that. So today after work I stopped by downstairs to see if that was the same noise they heard the other night. The girl that answered the door told me she wasn't sure, but that she wasn't staying there with her boyfriend anymore (actual words, "We're staying in Jersey City at my place from now on and we're looking at houses.) Please note the two WEs. I just reread that and it didn't sound as bad as when she said it. She had that girlfriendy twang that said it in an annoying fashion. Long story short, she said they hadn't slept through a night in a year. I haven't heard shit until people starting pointing things out to me. It's been like the fucking halls of solitude for months with the exception of garbage day... monday... 7am. I've been woken up twice because of The Thumper THIS WEEK. So when I asked her about the noise she said she heard a lot more than I did. She said she heard the thumping and stomping, but she also heard someone screaming and made it sound like murders were going on in my apartment building. Whatever. I've been here since May and I've been woken up by noise 1 time. I've never EVER heard anything else. I think I can live with one wakeup every 6 months. I think she's a little over the top with her description, but I wanted to make sure I logged my complaint along side anyone elses so I don't end up with angry people at my door in the dark of night... again.

Just got a phonecall that I was looking forward to.

On that note

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Drawn Together

I decided I'd just kick back and watch some episodes of Drawn Together tonight. That show is insane. I don't know if I like it or not, but I can't stop watching it. It's a running gay joke for the most part, but there is some real funny shit going on. I watched most of the first season and as it went on there was less stuff I found really funny, but the first few episodes are fantastic. That little stupid pokemon thing, Ling Ling, is quite possibly the funniest character on the whole show. He goes from wanting to destroy everyone to being held like a kitten. There's also something about someone speaking a foriegn language with subtitles and constantly being misquoted that's hilarious. It's the stupid shit that gets me.

I'm going to see if I can't get ahold of some episodes from season 2 tomorrow.

Great read, isn't it?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Suddenly Grey

Ever have one of those moments where nothing happens, nothing has changed, but you all of a sudden just feel shitty? I don't know why, but about 20 minutes ago my mood just went from regular old day to feeling like garbage. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I need to do something, but then I try to think of what that thing is and nothing comes to mind. I feel like I need a change, but I don't know what to change. I just kind of let nights like this go by and hope for a better tomorrow, but something's got to give.

Like I said though, nothing has changed. Nothing happened. Nothing new is on my mind. Just WHAM! Hit by a sinking feeling like a dump truck full of bricks just earholed me at 95mph.

That's a good sign that I should go to bed. Goodnight, everyone.


OK, I went to the doctor... the wrong doctor. Last Tuesday I got a call from a nurse that said she was from the Morristown Medical Center and she set an appointment for me to meet with a doctor at their facility today at 2pm. So, today at 1:30PM I left work and went over to the morristown medical center to meet with the doctor. The nurse weighed me in (2lbs down in 2 weeks.. but who gives a shit) and took my blood pressure (higher than last time). Then I sat on the table on the paper and waited. 20 minutes later the doctor comes in and says I'm at the wrong place. She tells me that I had an appointment with Dr. Epstein at the sleep center and that I had missed the appointment and had to reschedule. Furious. So, I get up and run over to the sleep center, take the elevator to the 5th floor and go talk to the receptionist. I tell her my deal and she says that I "probably have to rescedule my appointment." This is where I took a page out of my FC training and said, "I'm not going to reschedule. This is very important to me. I will wait." I was firm and told her exactly what I expected. She then spoke with the doctor and told me that it would be a few minutes to sit in the waiting room.

The waiting room was the same place I watched the video the last time I was there. I sat down accross from a man who must have weighed 400lbs (with a beard... I'll explain later) and read a copy of Time magazine (which I don't like at all) until the doctor came in and got me. He stands a solid 5'3" and couldn't have weighed more than 115lbs soaking wet. He is TINY. So I sit down with him and I expect a 10 minute "this is what's wrong, this is what we're going to do about it" but I get a very different treatment. We sat and talked about a ton of different shit and then he weighed me and took my blood pressure again. He also made me breath fast, hold my breath, listened to my breathing, tapped on my knee with that little rubber mallet, and then went back to talking. It was at least an hour before he took out my results. As it turns out, he said I do have sleep apnea, but I'm borderline. As in it's not so bad at all. Now I'm sweating. Is my lack of motivation and my constant sleepiness just part of who I am? I really thought my greatest fear throughout this whole process was going to come true. Then he went right back into questioning.

He said, and was the 5th person to tell me, that alcohol made this whole thing worse. Finally I had the balls to say, "So if I want to be a healthy and happy person I have to stop drinking 100%? I don't think that's fair. There has to be something else stopping me from sleeping besides the beer I'll drink every so often." "Well, I have more questions for you first."

We went over stuff like how much I exercize, how much I sleep, what I do for a living, my family, and all sorts of other shit that had some connection to the situation at hand. Finally, we got to solutions. He told me that because my sleep apnea was not severe, it might not be the sleep apnea stopping me from resting and asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with any psycological problems. I said no, and he changed the subject. There are 3 options he proposed. He said surgery is difficult, doesn't work, and is not something he'd persue. As I've said, I was hoping that would be the solution, but he really didn't think it'd help. Then there is a mouthpiece similar to the one I wore playing football that would move my jaw foward while I sleep and stop my fat neck from closing up, but it costs a grand, must be paid for up front, and doesn't always work (especially because of the way my teeth are situated according to the Doc). Option 3 is the CPAP mask. He told me like this, if I come back and run another test and the mask fixes the apnea problem, I go home and get used to it over a couple weeks, and I feel like a new man then I can say with certainty that the apnea is the problem and we can try the mouthpiece. If it doesn't work, then the apnea's not the problem.

Uh oh. If it's not the apnea, do I just live with it? Well, I didn't get a chance to ask that question because he was rushing me out the door. When he was filling out a prescription for someone else I got a second to ask, "So, if it's not the apnea, do I just have to live with it?" "No, it's blabalagblabalaglakhsgasdfklhg nagoiaghaogihdna;' ang;'sdklgyhagoh and it's very common among healthy young females. In that case, we use medication." So, from my research, I'm either a middle aged, overweight man with a fat neck or a healthy young female. Interesting. I don't know which one is worse.

I have no idea what to think at this point. All I know is that I have to go back on December 5th for another sleep study only this time I wear a CPAP thing on my nose while I sleep. It seems like one way or the other I'm going home with a CPAP machine, I don't see why they didn't just order me one today. I guess they want to know for sure that it's going to work first.

When I was setting up the next study I tried to use a little charm on the ladies I was short with before and it worked. I was being nice to them and when she said december 5 I was like, "That's the earliest? Are you sure you couldn't sneak me in a bit earlier?" "Well... we have a ton of cancellations, would you want to be brought in earlier on short notice?" "I live on the other side of the green. You give me 7 minutes notice and I'll run over and sleep here instead." "OK, I'll let you know." So hopefully I'll get in early, but it looks like the saga continues to the 5th of December.

In other news, I left my cell phone on my desk and didn't want to go back at 5 and get it. I am always expecting a call, but I rarely get any, so it's really bothering me that I don't have it. The people I want to hear from are normally on AIM anyways, so I'll just have to do my chatting online tonight. I do enough on the phones as it is I guess, but it's KILLING ME that I can't reach out and grab my phone. I need 100% availability 100% of the time or I feel like I'm going to miss something. bleh.

Tomorrow, 2pm

Tomorrow I leave work at 1:30 for the doctor's office. Hopefully an hour from leaving my desk I'll have a solution to my sleep issues. I guess they aren't super serious seeing as the Good Doctor decided to wait over a week to give me the damn results, but I'm hoping he tells me my condition is awful. At least that way I'll have an excuse for days like today.

I seriously thought I was drugged. I started wondering if something I ate last night or the old coffee I drank this morning had something rotten or seriously wrong with it. I woke up at 8:30... after my alarm had been BLARING since 7. I haven't had a problem waking up now that I've tweaked a few things, but today I slept right through, got up, got ready for work, left, sat at my desk, and felt the room spin for the entire day. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me, but I seriously had a moment where I did a mental inventory of everything I had put into myself in the past 24 hours to figure out if something was drugging me. I didn't even have a beer yesterday, so it wasn't alcohol. I didn't eat anything strange, I didn't drink anything that would have hurt my sleep or made me feel weird in the morning. I am still shocked at how bad I felt all day. It was basically like I had slept on a pile of rocks and woke up to a solid drug cocktail.

I am still feeling like things are just one click off from where they should be, but I'm going to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good morning of work and a good afternoon of finally knowing what's wrong with me.

Again, I have to rehash my fear that I'm going to hear, "hey, just noticed something... you're a fat fuck. Lose weight and call me in the morning." or "Well, there's nothing wrong with you physically... it must be in your head." or "I don't see any problem at all... you just need to sleep more." If I don't get a response like, "Your problem is X and I'm going to reccomend Y which should fix it forever" I'm going to blow a fuse.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Ever say something innocent and then realize days later how it might have sounded innapropriate to someone else? I hate when I try because I over analyize everything. I might or might not have come accross as a creep recently. I'll have to figure it out, but how to do so without making it sound like you're back peddling from an off color comment? It's almost like bringing it up validates that you said something wrong when it really wasn't meant as anything. Bah.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

Screw watching a movie tonight

I actually was going to watch a movie tonight. I was getting into Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon when Cousin Tony decided the movie was for the birds, so I was going to finish it tonight. Then I found a couple sites that have kept my interest all night. 4chan.org has a ton of cool forums on it. Most of the forums are adult in nature, but the tech and weapons boards had a lot of very intelligent people posting real information and pics. Cool, cool stuff. One of the discussions was about the use of door breaching shotguns in the military. It had a link to THIS PAGE which I then proceded to read for the next couple of hours leading up to now. I'm making a conscious effort to go to bed earlier than normal tonight, so after I share this post I'm between the sheets.

Goodnight, yos

Forgot to mention

Here is a link I wanted to post in the last entry. It's a list of different treatments for sleep apnea. Which one is for me? We'll know on Wednesday:


And the results are in...

... and that's all I know.

I got a call from my doctor's office and the lady said the results of my sleep study are in. Here's how the conversation went:

"... speaking."

Nurse: Hi this is SomeNurse from Dr. Cioci's office. I'm calling to schedule a consultation.

Me: ... OH, my results from the sleep study must be in then, right?

Nurse: Yes, they are in. How does Wednesday the 17th at 2pm sound?

Me: There's nothing earlier than next Wednesday?

Nurse: There is, but they are morning appointments at another office.

Me: Great, so when's the earliest I can have my consultation?

Nurse: Wednesday the 17th at 2pm... it's just next Wednesday.

Me: but... ok, wednesday the 17th at 2pm it is.

Nurse: OK, see you on Wednesday.

Me: So... the results are in? What did they say?

Nurse: You'll know on Wednesday the 17th at 2pm. Goodbye.

I am just so excited to be doing something for myself. I wish someone would entertain my curiosity. So that's all I am going to know until wednesday.

I am figuring out exactly how much sleep I need to be awake at work. I went to bed early on Tuesday (between 10:30 and 11) and felt great, so I figured I'd be fine going to bed at midnight last night... I was wrong. I was wiped out at work again today. I think I'll try a little earlier than 10:30 tonight, but there are things I like to do that don't always fit into a good sleep schedule, so we'll have to see.

I'm going to let you guys in on my mental process here. I hate sleeping. I hate going to bed. I hate setting my alarm. I hate everything to do with bed. (When you have company it's a different story, but I still hate sleeping. The closeness you feel laying next to someone cannot adequetly be described by someone like myself with such a weak grip on grammar, but I really like that feeling.) So on a regular night, here's how I decide when to go to bed. Let's say for the sake of this post that I'm going to watch a movie tonight. The movie is 2 hours long. I also want to talk with a few people, do some dishes, clean up a bit, read the news, and do some other bullshit online, but I want to have that all done before I kick back on the couch and pop in the DVD. Let's say what I had planned to do is taking longer than expected and it's now 10:30 and I haven't started the movie yet. I take inventory of how I feel at this exact moment and realize I'm wide awake. I'm not tired at all and I'd really like to see the movie I had planned to watch. I look at the clock again and decide that I'm going to watch the movie anyway. Why? Because I know that if I go to bed NOW that I will wake up feeling like shit and that I will feel like I missed out on enjoying myself during the few hours that I am awake and rarin to go. If I'm going to feel like shit anyway, why not enjoy myself now? So the movie goes in, I watch it in its entirety, and now it's 12:30 in the morning. I turn off the TV and DVD player, go over and shut off Mao and Frank's light and then move over to my desk to turn off my 10 gal tank's light. This, of course forces me to check my AIM buddy list, hotmail, gmail, and blog counter/tracker to see if certain people are on, if anyone has emailed me, and how many people have read this ol site. That normally gets me going and I'll check out a few of my regular sites like fark.com or yahoo news. Now I look up at the clock again because I'm starting to feel a little tired. It's 2:30 in the morning. My alarm will be going off in 5 hours and I should be at my desk in less than 6 hours. I know I'm going to feel like shit at 7:30 if I get up at all, but at least I enjoyed my night, right? Well... no matter how hard I try, some nights just feel like a waste. I always feel like I could do more.

So that's how it goes. 10pm I'm thinking, "hey, this would be a great time to go to sleep. You'll feel great tomorrow!" But that all get's overwritten by "fuck that shit, you know you need way more sleep in a night than you can get going to bed now. Enjoy your night. Do whatever the fuck you want to do! YARGH!" BTW, my angel and devil that pop up on opposite shoulders are not exactly angels and devils. It's more like a Nerd and a Pirate. If I only could master flash animation I'd have a ton of funny little movies to make. I think in technocolor cartoons from the 40s (think Yosimite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, and Popeye) and some shit that I see in my head would make excellent short cartoon fodder. I digress. Anyways, another reason I hate going to bed is that I have no idea how I'm going to wake up. Time plays a big part, but it's no more than half the battle. The depth of my sleep is like throwing the dice. One night I'll go to bed at 11pm and wake up feeling great and the next I'll go to bed at 11pm and wake up feeling like shit. Both days will be the exact same for all intensive purposes but the results are very different. Because I always believe things are going to go my way I just bank on the fact that I'll sleep really well if I want to stay up late. That's not the case 90% of the time, but for some reason my brain refuses to understand the situation.

This post is only getting worse and worse as I type. I'm going to make some phonecalls and clean this dump up a bit.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Knock Knock...

So I went to bed early last night. I was feeling pretty good about having 9 hours left to sleep when I layed down and was confident I was going to have a very good day at work today.

So I fall fast asleep. The hours pass. I have a dream where I hear a very loud and clear doorbell. I wake up for a split second, look at the clock, see it's 5am and realize that nobody rings my doorbell in the middle of the morning. 10 minutes later, the same thing. Vivid dream of a doorbell. Then it happens again, and again and again. Every 10 minutes my doorbell rings. I thought I was going insane for 2 reasons: 1. The doorbell is in my head. 2. Nobody would even be so detailed as ring (or to dream that someone was ringing) my doorbell every 10 minutes to the second.

Finally, after about an hour I hear an angry, "YO! YOU IN THERE???" Come through my door. I all of a sudden realized that this wasn't a dream. It was an angry guy at my door trying to wake me up at 5am for some reason. I couldn't think of any reason but to fight, so I put on some shorts because I've seen too many episodes of cops to walk out there in my drawers only to be dragged away in cuffs with yambag flopping around on national television. I look through the peephole and he was standing dangerously close to my door, but about 1/3rd my size. I step aside and swing it open and say abruptly, "WHAT???" He looks straight into my chest, takes a startled step back, and then starts shaking. I realized I was in no danger and let my guard down. I still had no idea why he was standing there, but my one word greeting should have given him a good idea what to do next. He just stands there wringing his hands and trembling.

He looked to be about my age, maybe a year younger or older, had a light beard and stood a skinny 5'9". He was dressed in typical college guy clothes of sweats, flip flops, and a sweatshirt with a logo accross the chest I didnt' bother reading. The only thing I was sure of was that the hour he spent trying to wake me up made him a little too brave, and he knew it.

I dropped my aggressive stance the second I realized the tough guy who had been trying to wake me up realized he had got himself in a world of trouble.

He still didn't say anything, so I asked in a kinder tone, "So, what can I help you with?"

"well... I was... um... downstairs and we... uh... I... heard some loud walking or thumping or something... uh... from... your apartment... around... 4am or so..."

"I was in bed at 10:30, pal, you've got the wrong guy."

"this is... um... probably... well, most surely... maybe not you... but yeah... something like... the.... 10th time it's happened... or something... so if you could."

"If I could what? I just told you I was in bed at 10:30 last night and there was nothing on, running, or moving in this apartment until you decided it was time to wake me up. I don't know what to tell you."

"well... um... there was thumping and loud walking..."

"stop right there, champ, you live on the first floor of a 5 story apartment complex next to the stairwell and you are 100% sure that me sleeping in my bed sounded like thumping and loud steps?"

"uh... maybe it was someone else... I dont' know... but we heard loud thumping and footsteps..."

"I'm glad you came directly to me with your problem. I'm also glad you were so polite in explaining to me what your problem happens to be. I'm also glad to see that we both now know that there was nothing coming from my apartment at 4am this morning. But, if you come up here ringing my doorbell and yelling through my door before the sun comes up again you and I are going to have problems"


"so have a nice morning, and don't hesistate to bring any further problems to my attention. If there is anything I can do for you, I'll be happy to help."

"... so what time do you wake up in the morning?"

"Not that it matters, but I normally sleep until 7 or 7:30... 2 and a half hours from now."

"I'm Mike."

"I'm NJX70... beat it."

before I had properly pronounced the letter T in it's entirety he was gone.

I don't like to take such an aggressive stance with people, but when you have an unexpected visitor during the darkness of early morning who's yelling at you through your door and ringing your doorbell over and over it makes sense to be ready for anything.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Crouching Tony, Hidden Boredom

I have to appologize for my lack of motivation to post recently. Things have been crazy around here. Not so much, but enough to keep me up late and off blogger.

Yesterday Cousin Tony came over to watch a movie. He had never seen Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (which is one of my favorites) and I have the DVD, so we set a time, ordered a pizza and went to town. He had a good time, I got to have a nice conversation or two with him about girls, friends, work, a lot of stuff, and then we put on the movie and he hated it. About a half hour into the movie he was making fake snoring sounds and laughing. Then he told me "the movie makes me sleepy" so I took his ass home. He mocked me for liking the movie and said it was very boring. I can't think of many movies that are less boring, but if you've seen it, you know a big part of the drama is 2 love stories and a few stories of revenge. All of that with English voice overs due to the fact that Cousin Tony would struggle with the subtitles = not exactly what he thought he was getting into. I got served.

One thing I found very interesting was his interest in why things didn't work out with my ex. I tried to explain to him that she wasn't sure what she was looking for and through trial and error realized I'm not that guy. I said she wasn't happy and wanted to live her life without me. None of that meant anything to him. He didn't understand, and without any experience at all, I can't blame him. Then I said that she wanted to go back to CO and that I like living in NJ so much that she didn't believe that I would be happy in CO. That made sense to him, but he didn't know where CO is. I told him that if you drove to north carolina, came home, drove back to north carolina, and came home again it would be about that long a car ride and that made perfect sense to him. He repeated back to me, "So she wants to live far away and you want to stay here close to us? You're my cousin, you have to live close enough for us to hang out." He's right.

Equally shocking was that it didn't bother me to talk about it at all. He had a genuine interest in what happened between us. He didn't understand how all of a sudden things could be so different. I explained it wasn't really all of a sudden, it was over a long time. He has a girl in his life now too and I think he's doing research into how things work because he has no clue. I believe 100% that it's very innocent and is just a co-ed friendship, but he said he's thinking about asking her to the prom. The timing of his questions made me think he was asking me why my ex left me so that he could make sure it didn't happen to him and his lady friend. I could be totally wrong, but it makes sense if I thought about myself in middle school. He reminds me of myself when I was that age, so it's very reasonable to draw that conclusion.

This weekend is really looking up. I should have the results of my sleep study by then (but with my luck I won't) and I allready have plans... (:

.....yarrrrghhhh it's driving me nuts

Monday, November 07, 2005

And in other news tonight...

Click the title of this post. You will not be dissapointed.

The Sleep Study

Last night I finally went to my sleep study. I'm going to do my best to go through the thing clearly so anyone who finds their way here searching for "sleep study" will understand exactly what they're getting into.

First of all, this week I got a packet in the mail that had a bunch of forms and surveys that I had to fill out and give to the tech when I got there. They asked questions like how many alcoholic beverages do I drink per week, how many cafinated drinks, how much exercise, what time do I typically go to bed and when do I wake up, all that stuff. Then it asked more subjective questions like how rested do you feel when you wake up in the morning and how would you rate a typical night's sleep. It took me a good half hour to go through and fill everything out, but it was simple.

One of the pages told me what to expect and what to bring along with me to the center. It basically said that I would be sleeping with sensors on me similar to an EKG and that someone would be monitoring a video and audio feed from my bedroom. It told me to wear comfortable clothes, bring whatever I wanted to sleep in and a pillow if that would help. The last thing on the sheet which I didn't realize was there until about 30 minutes from when I had to leave was that you have to take a shower before going in to make sure that all the stuff sticks to your head.

So I hopped in the shower, cleaned up, put on some easy to sleep in clothes, and was off. The center is only 5 minutes from my apartment and according to signs all over the place it's the number 1 sleep center in America. I guess I chose the right place. I parked accross the street and walked in.

My tech's name was Brian. He was an older gentleman and was very nice. He gave me a few more pieces of paper to fill out including one that said I wasn't going to sue anybody and that I would pay for their services. The one that actually had to do with sleep was funny. It asked me about all the drugs and booze I've put down in the past 8 hours. Then it asked me how I was feeling at that second. "How tired are you now? []A little []Very []Extremely" "How sleepy do you feel right now?" That kind of stuff.

Once my paperwork was in order I had to go sit in a little room and watch a 10 minute video on sleep studies. It was actually an infomertial from one of the CPAP makers, but the first half was a fake case study involving a dude that had sleep apnea and the stuff he was dealing with before and after the study. They showed one scene that hit home. The VO said something like, "Steve could fall asleep doing anything" and the video showed him dozing off during a card game. "His friends allways find it funny when he starts snoring, but it's not so funny to Steve." At this point everyone starts laughing and pointing out to the dude that he was snoring and he's just sitting there looking around going "I'm not sleeping" and one guy says, "I thought you only did that in board meetings" as they all laugh. I can't even tell you how many times shit like that has happened to me. If this ends up being the end of my sleepiness... but I digress. So the video goes on to show Steve doing a sleep study and then being fitted for a CPAP mask. The mask is a little triangle looking thing that goes over your nose and maintains pressure in your airway so it doesn't close off while you're sleeping. The last scene we watched was Steve outside clipping the bushes and he says some shit like, "Now I have the energy to do yardwork... take walks... have fun. I have the energy to enjoy my life and didn't even realize how much I was missing out on just because of sleep apnea." I want the energy to enjoy my life. That's why I did all this.

The video ends and Brian comes back in to get me. I go back in my room and he tells me to chill out for about a half hour and he'd be back in to wire me up so I could go to bed. At this point I sneak into the bathroom with my cell phone to make a call that I was really looking forward to making but realized I probably wasn't allowed to seeing as there was a big sign "NO CELLULAR PHONES!" I also snapped a few pictures at this stage of the evening:

Sleep Study 003
This is the bed with hanging mic and straps that look like they are going to tie me down. You can see the clinical CPAP on the left of the night stand and the inputs for the wires on the right. As it turns out, those straps went around my chest and stomach and had sensors on them as well. I guess a lot of big dudes have sleep problems because I have quite a large torso and there was a ton of slack in the straps that had to be tightened out.

Sleep Study 002
Here's a better picture of the tech gear next to the bed. The home CPAPs are smaller than this one, but this one is a clinical one that is used to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment while it's going on, so it's much different.

Sleep Study 014
Here's the video camera that watched me all night and the speaker that Brian talked to me through while he was calibrating the equipment. We'll get to that soon.

Now I was left with a half hour to just chill out and watch TV. I put on some bullshit on the TV and nervously waited for Brian to come back. When he did he had me sit in a chair and started putting this goop in my hair and on my face that was used as a conductor between my skin and the sensors. The way he explained it was that the body puts out signals that are very very weak and this stuff is there to make them as clear as possible. His job throughout the night was to watch and make sure that the signals were as clear as possible. The reason you shower and he takes such care with the conductor goop is that any static in the signal, even if it's small, will be amplified right along with the good signals and make it hard to read. He said that even if I sweat he has ways to clear up the signal through the computers by changing things around digitally. His job sounds quiet, but pretty cool.

After about 10 minutes he was done sticking little metal things to my head, face, chest, and stomach. Here's how I looked:

Sleep Study 011

It looks a lot more uncomfortable than it really was. The little metal wires didn't interfere with sleep at all. It just felt like I had tape on my head.

Sleep Study 012
There's a shot of all the wires dangling off my dome piece.

Finally, it's sleep time. Brian has me lay in bed and hooks the two straps over my chest and starts plugging the wires that are dangling off my head into a little box that hangs off of the headboard of the bed. I have to say, the bed and the room were super comfortable. I couldn't have asked for a better place to sleep. I just hope that the comfort didn't make my sleep study look like nothing was wrong. It took a little while to get the wires right. One of the wires checks temperature and co2 output from my nose. It goes behind both of my ears and across my face, under my nose. It didn't go IN my nose, but the little prongs were just about touching it. That sensor was bad, so Brian had to come back in after testing out the system and replace it. It seriously looked like a piece of white string and he told me it costs about $200. It's amazing how much all this high tech shit costs.

Second one didn't work either. As it turns out I was distracting Brian too much with all my questions and he had plugged it in wrong.

Now I was wired up, under the sheets, lights off. Brian then came over the speaker and asked me to look around the room. He laughed and said my eyes were going all over the place allready. I have active eyes. I had to look up, down, left, right then move my legs (which also had sensors on them) from the ankle down, make a snoring sound, hold my breath for 5 seconds, and breathe through my nose. Everything was all good, so I was now set to go to sleep.

I had been laying in bed for a while now and was pretty damn ready to sleep. Saturday night I had a few too many cocktails, so I was exhausted on Sunday. I was out in less than 5 minutes. I remember waking up a couple times, but nothing beyond the norm. Only thing that bothered me was that I was conscious of pulling out wires, so if I wanted to roll over or shift around I had to pay attention to the cords and make sure I didn't yank anything. I had a few dreams too. A couple were bad, but I can't remember what they were. Same with the good ones. All I know is I had a few dreams. Why do I bring this up? Because it was on the outgoing questionaire.

All of a sudden the lights are on and Brian is standing in the room telling me it's all over. He unhooks me from a few wires and straps and I sit up so he can get the rest undone. I seriously barely remember him unhooking me. Then I sat down, filled out an exit questionaire and used a comb to get most of the goop out of my hair. I still need to take a shower to get the rest of the shit out, but it got most of it. Last night it looked like blue toothpaste, today it looked like paste you would use out of a glue stick. It had about the same consistancy too. The same guys I saw getting ready the night before were all doing the same things I was. They were sitting on their beds with tape on their heads waiting for their tech to come in and take it off. I snuck a peek at the files sitting at Brian's desk to see what was up. The guy in the next room had marked on the front of his folder "CPAP SLEEP APNEA" and mine said, "OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA." No idea what that means or if it means anything at all.

Before leaving, Brian let me know that my O2 levels didn't drop down to the bottoms he's seen with other patients that were much worse, but that I did wake up several times and did stop breathing a lot. He let me know that the results would be formatted for viewing by my doctor and that I should be hearing from the medical center within a week. Sometimes it takes only a few days and others it could take up to a week and a half, but if I don't hear from my doctor in 2 weeks to give them a call. I told him that I had maintained my weight around 350lbs while I was playing ball and that when I got weighed in recently I was only 300 and he joked about the results saying, "I'd like to see how bad this was when you were THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS. lol."

So I made it out in one piece. The test was simple and really wasn't much of anything once everything was all set up. I thought it would have been harder to sleep or less comfortable a place, but the Morristown Rehabilitation Center really kicked a truck load of ass. I couldn't have asked for a nicer staff, better room, better explanation of what was going on, etc. It was actually kind of fun. At least now there is evidence of what's goin on instead of all speculation and amateur diagnosis.

I'm going to stop this snoring bullshit. Final stage is going to be hearing from my doctor and knowing exactly what to do. I'm so excited to finally be able to live a normal life. All you people out there that have been wondering where I've been... I'll be rarin to go soon.

NJX70.... OUT.

Saturday, November 05, 2005



Tuesday, November 01, 2005

So much on my mind

Well, I got more interesting news today. Another friend going through a hard time. I tried to help him by saying that no matter who makes what decision, endings are always hard. I don't know if it helped or not, but he sounds like he has things squared away.

There are so many people I care about that I want to be there for. I wish I could bear all of their pain myself and make it all go away.

I'm here for all of you.

Learning from myself

I decided last night that I was tired of selecting every mp3 in my collection and hitting shuffle. I wanted to avoid certain songs I was simply tired of hearing that ALWAYS come up. So, I decided I'd sort the music differently. I tried to think of a time when things changed for me... and I didn't have to think about THAT one very long. I didn't remember what day my life changed. That was realization 1. I can tell you the date, time, temperature, score of the game, who scored the winning touchdown, etc about my first kiss, but losing my most serious girlfriend... I had to look it up on my blog. Anyways, I sorted by date and noticed I had pretty much stopped getting music for a long time and started back up again on the 22nd of March. So I just highlighted every song I had aquired from March 22nd to the present and hit shuffle/play. What I found is that the music I have discovered and have fallen in love with NOW is far better than what I used to listen to and I actually listen to every single song from beginning to end instead of constantly getting up to skip.

I'll always have a place in my heart for Elvis, Sinatra, DAC, etc, but the new stuff is so much fun to listen to. It's Black Label Society, New Pornographers, Bender, Gypsy Kings, Johhny Cash, Eric Prydz, Foo Fighters, Mad Capsul Markets, and a shit load more. I've grown as a music lover and have found a lot more things to flood my head with now in my single life than I ever did when I was romatically involved.

I decided I'd sort them backwards and listen to them chronologically. It's amazing, I can actually remember why I got every one of them and it was like reliving a hard but empowering time in my life. I am starting to realize the strength I'm building in myself. I still get very lonely every now and again, but I'm seeing things in myself that I never let myself see. I feel good about who I am. I make people around me laugh, I have so many great friends, and have been meeting a ton of people who's reaction to me has made me feel really good about myself. I even ran into some old friends I haven't seen in half a decade who were just as happy to see me as I was to see them. That sounds stupid, but it really made me feel good.

EDIT I've decided to change this post. I'm not even sure why, but this paragraph is gone.
