Friday, January 27, 2006

Big Things Soon

OK, first news is that my cats have names! The boys are now to be known as Wyatt and Virgil after my favorite set of brothers, the Earps.

I haven't been writting much recently because I don't really have a lot that's ready to share. Things have been a little rough, but I'm working through everything fine. Wyatt and Virgil are becoming very comfortable around the apartment and are behaving like happy healthy kittens. I was worried about Wyatt for a while because he was having "stomach problems" aka explosive diarrhea, but for the past two days he's seemed fine. I've heard it's common in kittens, but I wasn't about to let commonality hide any kind of real sickness, so I made an apointment with my vet to bring the boys over on saturday morning. That way I can run out to my parents house and visit with them for a while, get a free meal, and see how the boys do in a new environment.

The one thing I think it important is that they get used to being in cars, new places, and around new people. Since I've brought them home I am yet to have any visitors. Last weekend was the weekend Wyatt was shitting himself, so I didn't really want anyone over and the weekend before was when I first brought them home. On top of that, my best friend is super alergic to cats, so he'll probably half die sitting around here. They don't seem to be shedding much, but I do need to keep up with the vaccume so I don't end up with a furball of an apartment.

I'm hoping tomorrow I'll have some nice stories. I've been really enjoying my time on eharmony recently. There have been a few notes passed back and forth that renew my faith in the girls on the site. I went through about a month where I didn't even talk to one person. Due to everything else in my life I've been taking eharmony lightly, but hopefully things will settle down in my world and I'll be able to focus on the fun stuff again real soon.

As I write this, Wyatt is trying to find a way to jump halfway across my living room from the couch to the chair I'm sitting in. He's biffed the landing pretty good... now THAT is comedy. I was telling Hoser about their kitten awkwardness and their fondness for jumping from thing to thing that normally ends with a bonk on the head and he DEMANDS I get video. I only have my digi cam to take short videos with and it really does a shitty job in low light, but I'm going to have to try to catch them exploring before they get the hang of all the distances. Watching a kitten biff a jump between two pieces of furnature ROCKS!

Let's hope I have stories tomorrow

Monday, January 23, 2006

Can't Sleep, so I'm staying up...

I'm worried about the kitten so I am going to stay up tonight. I want to watch him a bit and make sure he's not BEHAVING sick. If he's just having trouble digesting food that is one thing. If he starts ACTING down... aka moping around, not having energy, etc then I have to bring him to a vet immediately because he could be REALLY sick. So far he seems fine other than the fact that he is bolting into the bathroom too often.

OK, so I have to let you guys in on Saturday night. My buddy from RHS... VICE PRESIDENT GILBERT's girlfriend called me about a month ago. This is how the call went:

"Mr. President?"
"this is VP's girlfriend. I'm throwing him a supprise party"
"I'll be there"
"what's your real name and address so I can send an invite?"

So the party was on Saturday night... but where is the invitation? When is the supprise? I cleaned up a lot before I brought home the kittens. I didn't want them shredding papers all over. I must have thrown it out.

So, here's what I was thinking: If I show up early I'll fuck up the supprise. If I show up late, there really is no problem. But what is late? I decided that if I showed up around 9:30 or 10 that there was no way I was blowing this for him. So, I get in my truck around 9ish and go over to VP's house. I get there and there are no cars anywhere. No signs of life inside. Nothing. At this point, what would be the smart thing to do? Call VP's girlfriend? Well... I didn't save her number. Who else is going? Wait... didn't think of that. Hide in the shadows and sneak around his house at 10pm with a hooded sweatshirt on? Yup. Turns out his property is very well lit. I walk around and can't stay out of a spotlight so I get back in my truck and send him a non related text message to see what his reply would be. Just then a few people come walking by my truck and I recognize them as friends and let them know the stupidity that's been going on for the past half hour. They let me know that the party (supprise) started at 5. We LOL and I go in.

About a half beer into being there I start getting curious because his basement has a ton of cool stuff laying around. I'm watching the slowest beer pong game ever, so I decide to pull out a can of wood filler off a shelf and a putty knife and start filling cracks in the plywood. My goal was to keep wood filling until VP realized I was wood filling. He did, we LOLed.

The rest of the night was a bunch of laughing and telling stories, me showing people how to play beer pong, and talk about how we're all nerds and are friends on myspace.

I'd like anyone who's thinking about throwing a party with beer pong at any point in their lives to immediately go out and find a walmart and buy a pack of 6 sportcraft ping pong balls. Why? Because nobody EVER has them around and everyone wants to play. VP's girlfriend bought "ping pong balls" from party city... they were reminicent of the old bowling balls you used to get as a kid in a bowling ball set. Thick, hard plastic balls with a hole where the plastic was poured into a mold. They were so heavy that they would just plow a cup over if you didn't arch it high enough. On top of that, they had NO bounce, so if they hit the floor they just rolled under something. No chance of saving a ball that goes off the table.

And, to make it abundantly clear... a game of beer pong is played with 12 (twelve) cups per side... not 6 (six) cups per side.

OK, it's almost 5am and the kittens are asleep... I think I'm going to also go to bed and see if I can get up in 2 hours

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sick Kitten

I don't know what the hell the deal is. One kitten is fine, they both play and run around and eat and everything just like normal... only one has explosive diarrhea. I woke up this morning to what I thought was puke all over the floor outside the bathroom. Thinking nothing of it, because I hear cats throw up from time to time, I go about my day. Later in the day, Bruiser (new tentative name) comes up and lays in my lap... about a half hour to an hour later he stinks... he shit on me. Liquid, smelly shit on my shirt and pants. Luckily I was wearing my regular weekend rags, but still... cat shit... on me. So, I cleaned up myself and my chair and went about my business. I called Kathleen who runs the adoption agency and left a message. She just called me back... as he was shitting on me again and told me that I should take away his dry food because that is what his previous owner said was causing it. I hadn't noticed any problem whatsoever in either of them since I got them... now a week into eating dry food almost exclusively he starts this up.

After a few minutes on the phone she decides it's not a good idea to take away his food, but to make sure he gets plenty of water because he can get dehydrated. Seeing as he can't keep the shit in his body even if he's trying (don't even ask) I had to put them BOTH in the bathroom for the night. Why? Because they both need access to the litter box and the litter box is in the bathroom. Also, there's no carpeting in the bathroom to be cleaned if he has an accident. Kinda sucks they both have to go in there, but there's nothing I can do.

I have to keep an eye on him until tomorrow and then I'm probably going to have to have him checked out by a vet. I THINK kathleen will pick this up seeing as it's something that was known prior to me adopting the cats, but whatever. He is perfectly healthy and happy but he's dripping shit out of his ass whereever he goes today... so fucking gross. Tomorrow morning I need to call her and let her know if anything's changed.

I'll keep you up to date... even though this is so damn gross

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The War of The Gears

I still can't believe I went out and adopted two kittens. One thing they are teaching me is that they do whatever the FUCK they want. I have stopped them from getting into my fishtanks with tape over the gaps, but when it comes to the recliners... it's the battle of the gears... and I'm losing. I LOVE to recline on my reclining couch seat and just relax and rock out to a few games of Rainbow Six 3 or Halo 2, but if I put my feet up, the two furry ninjas go running up under the feet. I'm so scared by it that I've stopped reclining and just brought over a kitchen chair to put my feet up on. Then there's the back of the couch. Not only do they go BEHIND the couch, but they go UNDER the snap on back piece and into the actual mechanical working of the seats. I can't stop them from getting back there. I've stuffed blankets, pillows, sweatshirts, and everything else I can find back there and they still find a way to fight their way under. They are still very small, so they can just about sqeeze under the couch as it is. Since there is an opening under the recliner they can sqeeze their little heads under the side of the couch and up under the seat. They are so quiet and so fast that I never know if they are back there or not. The only way I truely know they aren't under the seat I'm sitting on is if I see them both. When the couch reclines it causes a slightly larger gap behind the couch, so even if I did insure they weren't back there when I put my feet up, there's a 100% chance they will be there when I want to put the legs back down. I will find a way to win this war, but there have been casulties. My phone line at my house no longer works because I broke the stupid jack while stuffing shit behind the couch. I didn't realize this until today when I misplaced my cell and tried calling it. There was no dialtone, so I went and looked and I had broken the stupid jack. It's a splitter, so I can probably get another one, but I'm going to see if Brad can fix it first. It's just wires and I'm sure one just got pulled loose, but I don't have the tools/patience to fuck with it now.

So with all the fear I have of forgetting to check and ending up with liquid kitty is it worth it?

You bet your ass it is. This is the scene at my place while I'm typing. I have two little friends that keep me company when I'm here alone. Today wasn't the best day at work, but that all faded away watching the boys roll around and play until they were dead tired. When they were done they jumped up on my lap and fell asleep. It is almost 1am, so they are just about ready to get up and go at it again. I'm going to sleep before they wake back up or I'll be up all night playing with them again.

Power moves are in store. Be ready. Change is coming rapidly.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Two New Friends

The Boys

Spent the day and about $200 finding two new loves in my life. I adopted two cats. Brothers. Born October 5th 2005 in a woman's backyard to wild cats. They were found same day and brought to a foster home. She'd raised them, kept their shots and vet work up to date, and trained them to use a litter box up until today. I am so happy. They are warming up to me and the apartment as I type this. At first they were hiding in the bathroom (where I first took them out of their travel box and let them get used to me first). They are wonderful. They have both had 2 names since they were born, so I'm not sure if the names I was told will stick forever, but for now, they are Cole and Cinder. I was thinking Rallos and Cazic, but I'm going to think long and hard before deciding what to name them forever.

Only scary part is that I'll have them till my 40s. Ew... 40s....

Anyways, keep checking that link because I'll be adding photos to that set several times a day (: (: (:

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Most Amazing Video Ever

The video that you'll see on google video if you click the title of this post follows a russian kid as he travels around the city by foot. I won't give anything else away, but this will make your jaw hit the floor. It's 8 minutes long and I've watched it about 10 times now. It's that good.



Tuesday, January 10, 2006

For The Win!

I have been really enjoying myself recently. I think focusing on my new years resolution is helping. For those of you who missed it, it was "To stop concerning myself with things that are outside of my controll." I've stopped worrying about stuff that I really can't change. The things I can fix are being fixed, but at my own pace. Everything else will work out in time.

My AIM has been a constant source of frustration... from the stupid crazy frog flipping out when I try to put up an away message, people using it as a way to go around having to talk directly to me when they have bad news, to allowing me to keep tabs on people I shouldn't give a shit about and being readily available to people even when I just want to chill. I did get a good IM this week (2 in fact) but I don't know what to make of them yet. Oh well. Concern myself with things I can controll, the rest will work itself out or kill me but there is nothing I can do about it, so why worry.

bla bla bla, complain, bla bla bla, everything's getting better... bla bla bla but I don't know... bla bla bla

That just about sums up everything else I wanted to post here...


Monday, January 09, 2006

Fuck Eric Bauman (eBaum)

There's an intro into why Eric Bauman's a piece of shit. Don't go to his site. Don't click on any links. There are PLENTY of other sites out there where you could see the same shit. I mean... hell... just use a download program to get them for you p2p style. They aren't copywrited, and if they are, then you can go to the appropriate site that MADE them and see them. The reason Eric Bauman makes over $6,000 a day is because people don't realize that a majority of the shit on his site is stolen from sites that post the content themselves to bring in ad revenue. If you see a video on ebaumsworld that was made somewhere that hosts it itself then they are putting that out there with an ad system to make money... money that Bauman steals.

There is a system you are supposed to follow to get your copywrited work off his site. The emails are never replied to and Bauman basically just says to fuck yourself and deal with it.

He's a theif and a piece of shit. Watch the flash on the site linked above and then go to this site, click on a dozen or two and get a feel for what's going on:

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I've figured out what makes me the most mad outside of dames and lack of money. It's lack of detail by people I count on. I'm lazy and I don't care about a lot of things. When I'm doing something that really doesn't concern me I have a tendency to let it slide. Take my desk for instance. I don't care if it's sloppy, so I don't get worked up over some papers piled up on it, maybe a beer can or two... whatever. But, the fish tank sitting right next to my desk is something I care a lot about, so it's spotless and my fish/plants are taken better care of here than they would be in a state run aquarium. When it's something I care about I'm the most detailed mother fucker this side of OCD. I don't give a shit what the situation is... if I see you fucking off it means you don't give a shit. If I'm counting on you for any reason and I see you slacking it means you don't give a shit about me or the other people counting on you.

This goes for ANYONE working in a team situation, sales support, customer service, etc. When I'm going over every single fucking detail with a fine tooth comb and you're floating around in a dream world doing shit to move ahead then I want to fucking strangle you.


Ok, I feel better.

To those of you who will read this and judge me, fuck you too. I'm allowed to be over the top pissed off here. This is the only place I have to talk to anybody at length, so you get the brunt of whatever the hell is on my mind.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

How do some people keep their jobs?

If you are in a sales support role and sit at a phone all day answering questions about one tiny little facet of an industry, then you better know more about it than the sales people. If you don't know the answers to simple questions, don't send me messages saying I did shit wrong. How am I supposed to know your job better than you do? This goes for everyone I've ever called for help, tech support, etc. All you assholes should be forced to get your shit straight, or show me where I can apply to sit at a desk and answer the phone only to transfer people 5 times only to have them transferred back to me and have me tell them I'll have someone else call them back by the end of the day with the answer... to a question like, "I know that's what you're telling me to do, but what does that mean? I just want to know so I understand why I'm setting things up that way."

slack ass support people.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

See you in Hell, 2005

Well, it's over. I made it. It's 2006. Beyond that, it's all up in the air. I had a great night tonight even though my plans fell through. I stayed home. I treated this night just like any other night, and I'm happy.

I get too emotional on new years. I feel like I have to do so much and that I've fallen so short of my goals that it all ends up in alcohol and tears. I'm happy I'm sober.

It's nights like these that I wonder about a lot of things. I am trying hard not to look back again, but it's hard. As you can see, it's after 4am and I'm still awake. I can't stop thinking about this year. All the shit I've been through, all the pain I've felt, all the life I've lived, all the people I've met, everything. My life has never changed so much in any other 1 year period since I was born.

I was trying to decide which NJX70 was better, jan06 or jan05. By January of 05 I was allready on this path. It's been so long since I was comfortable. I just want that comfort back. I don't even want to get into it.

I made two good friends who I hope are a part of my life no matter what happens with my job. Helder and Goldy are awesome. Making those two friends was probably the highlight of 05. Lowlight is fucking obvious and doesn't need to be revisited.

fuck, all roads lead to me complaining, so I'm going to go to bed.

Speaking of, my stupid cpap mask is bruising my forehead. I don't know why, I've changed nothing, but now I look like I have been wearing an ill fitting football helmet. Hopefully my head gets used to it as if it was a football helmet.

I'm so tired... goodbye